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Clutch For 300Kw

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As the title states im looking for a clutch to go on my r32, its having a 25 conversion soon and im looking to get this power, what clutch do people recomend? I will be doing the 25 box conversion soon, but using the rb20 box for the mean time, yes i know its not ideal, but it has to do until i get one. It will be a street car, with the going to the track when i can and the usual skid around "industrial areas"

I did try a search before but didnt find what i was looking for.

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City driving pussyfooting 300kw? or actually driving the car hard 300kw? id personally go an ORC or OS GIKEN twin plate sprung centre for a very long clutch life (unless you drive like a pig and clutch the absolute hell out of it) or ring jim berry. OR if you dont want to spend that amount of dough and arent planning to drive the car to its limits for extended peroids.. flick through the exedy catalogue or xtreme.

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I have a 1996 GTST putting out 276rwkw aiming to get it to 340+ rwkw

using NPC metal button clutch ,engagement of clutch is quite aggressive

been advised by NPC it should handle 650+ Hp

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another vote for NPC , carbotic 10inch here...handles 300kw easy...designed for 400....very nice engagement for a button..just remember it is a button so its on or its off...best value on the market IMO

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When I first did my engine (273rwkw) I got an Extreme Extra HD clutch (as was suggested by the workshop, as I found out later only because they had a 'deal' with them) - the thing was horrible. So bloody heavy you needed a tree trunk of a leg to even depress the thing, and after about 6-9 months of, let's say 'spirited' use on the street, the thing decided to weld itself to the flywheel one day - I managed to get it off again but after that it carried on like you wouldn't believe (not surprisingly), grinding and making noise etc. Suffice to say, never again will I own an Extreme clutch!

I ripped it out and after reading some very good things rang Jim Berry (i'm in Adelaide) and organised (after a mammoth phone call) for him to rebuild it using the existing pressure plate and organic plate, and have it shipped down here to my workshop. Now, I may be the only person to have a bad story about Jim Berry, but when the clutch arrived, it didn't fit! It went into the car, but it wouldn't disengage completely, and you could barely get it into gear. So out it came, and back to Jim it went, only to comeback a week or so later, and guess what? Not fit again! Jim was totally bemused by this, as were my mechanics, and as the issue dragged on and my car sat in the workshop (and this is my daily drive!) useless, I got pretty annoyed! Third time lucky? Nope. Still wouldn't fit. Finally we gave up, Jim refunded the money and cost of the time wasted (very good of him) and the workshop put in an Exedy heavy duty cushion button ceramic.

Now 2 years later and running E85, making 300rwkw and driving the thing pretty hard (although no track time) the Exedy hasn't missed a beat. The thing grips like you wouldn't believe, so it took a bit of getting used to, especially since it feels (from memory) no heavier than the OEM clutch. Bear in mind though with a ceramic clutch it is pretty on/off - if you release it SUPER slow through the friction point you can take off pretty smoothly, but if you're not paying attention for a moment and let it out without enough revs it will jump your arse forward pretty violently and stall! Now that I'm used to it though it's great to drive, and holds my power easily. The only other annoyance of a ceramic clutch is not being able to ride it at all - especially trying to reverse uphill - after a few seconds of slip the thing will start to grind pretty badly - however it's fine again as soon as it cools down after a moment or two.

The fun thing is trying to watch what I like to call a 'normal' person jump in and try to take off with it - usually results in a number of stalls and some laughs from me.. ;-)

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