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Rb25 Harmonic Balancer

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The Ross Metal Jackets have a power steering belt groove? I run one on my RB25, all good so far

If the stock ones weren't so expensive Id say go for one of them, but for a little bit more you can go a Ross balancer

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$250? Last time I looked they were more than $400


Yeh bro $220, asking as it handles the power, is there any other major advantages?

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just did a search, seems it's like a new-ish problem and the band aid solution is to run another idler off the power steering bracket (seems dodge to me)...

back in the days I never heard any issues with Ross balancers, probably they're surfacing now because people are making more & more power.

When 250kW was heaps, it's crap all now lol...

I myself am chasing 350kW now... :)

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I havent had mine dynoed yet, but my tuner thinks over 300rwkw, less than 350. It is a fair range but guessing is hard. I was aiming around 320 and I think it will get that.

The balancer looks fine, the belt is straight and spins nicely, everything looks good? I bought mine at the start of last year

Last time I read the thread, some issues were popping up while ross still owned it, now he has sold the company the issues have been/are being sorted.

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If you can get one new for $200, I wouldnt go 2nd hand. I've seen plenty of used ones with cracked rubber. Its just general wear after near 20 years

$200 is cheap for a new OEM one

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