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Hey guys so my RB25DET Blew up (Got sold a hand grenade) Piston 6 Failed filled the engine with fuel that mixed with the oil and then f**ked the turbo I've spoken to the workshop and they reckon the only thing in the engine salvageable is the Block itself so a rebuild isn't viable so i need to get a hold of a RB25DET Series 2 (1997) Motor with relatively low K's and full compression to drop in as im already out of pocket 9,000

I was wondering if any of you knew any reputable engine salesmen that may have a S2 RB25DET to drop into it?



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This is 2018 so there are not going to be many low mileage RB25DETs around. Your best bet is a rebuilt motor where someone has written off the car. Have a trawl through the parts for sale section of this site.

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Yeah i thought as much the shop its at has found a few but they're all 200,000+ K's and could just be frag grenades they're looking for around the 110-170k mark 

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Find a motor from an auto 4x door or an auto Stagea (that's what I did), but because I'm an idiot I decided to rebuild a perfectly good motor Lolololol.

You should be able to pick one up for under $1500, also I suggest a new head gasket, ARP studs and your vanilla 100k service on it.

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ARP head studs and a new head gasket went in the last one it's a shame the pos only lived 2 weeks after I bought it will keep my eyes out for an auto rocket being crushed 

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4 hours ago, Dose Pipe Sutututu said:

Find a motor from an auto 4x door or an auto Stagea

I got my Auto Stagea motor off Gumtree  120,000k's  bores were like new and Dose Pipe i'm no idiot I rebuilt too, sensible people do, search the net everyday and you will find, Good luck and welcome to the rich and rewarding often frustrating Skyline world.

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