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Cya All....Goodbye....RedLineGTR


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all I ask is next time before someone takes a dig, how about you approach the committee about the issuepersonevent that your having an issue with and sort it out like adults instead of a child

Abusing a long term member for telling it the way (edit)it is(/edit) they see things isn't very adult either. ;)

Edited.... because i know i'm going to cop abuse for posting.

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aw man, who's gonna postwhore in the VIC p-whore section so that we stay ahead in postcounts to the NSW-ers.

pft.. the QLD postwhore thread that already beat the VIC thread in less than 12 months..

/whistles.. hmm, this mexican love story seems familiar..

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pft.. the QLD postwhore thread that already beat the VIC thread in less than 12 months..

would that be around the time you left us and moved up there Gordo?

and took your post-whoring-antics with ya!?!?!


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This is the funniest thread Ive read in ages!

No shit Rob, your a good dude.. but how old are you? Its pretty damn childish posting about how your upset about losing your information and that you need time away from the forums...just sounds a little fairy to me.

Now I havnt been on here in ages but I get the feeling that there has been some decisions made that your not happy with, but guess what, it happens with all clubs, people have different ideas and opinions and they clash... deal with it

Nice knowing ya man.. but once again, this isnt the sort of thread you would think a grown man would start...

/me hands Rob a tissue

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No shit Rob, your a good dude.. but how old are you? Its pretty damn childish posting about how your upset about losing your information and that you need time away from the forums...just sounds a little fairy to me.

Well if that ain't the pot calling the kettle black.......

Do you recall the tantrum you threw when some old posts were removed in another forum and your post count went down?

We aren't just talking post counts here, this is a bit more involved...

Without his account, he has lost access to his gallery, his trader rating, his PM's etc etc.

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This is the funniest thread Ive read in ages!

No shit Rob, your a good dude.. but how old are you? Its pretty damn childish posting about how your upset about losing your information and that you need time away from the forums...just sounds a little fairy to me.

Now I havnt been on here in ages but I get the feeling that there has been some decisions made that your not happy with, but guess what, it happens with all clubs, people have different ideas and opinions and they clash... deal with it

Nice knowing ya man.. but once again, this isnt the sort of thread you would think a grown man would start...

/me hands Rob a tissue

Thats cool i respect your opinion on the matter. What would i grown man do?? in all honestly...i dont know maybe i'm not a grown man & I doubt i will be for some time...but what is a "grown" MAN in your opinion?? some one that just leaves a forum/club that he's tryed to be apart of without telling anyone anything??

Everyone has a right to speak an opinion on themselves or on a topic except to the police & EPA & TMU :D

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Its seems that sooo many people that I haven’t seen post for ages, seem to have more opinions on ME then they have about what’s going on in the world today. Everyone has come out of there Caves from hibernation.

Every time I have voiced an opinion about something that people don’t agree on I have been called “Childish” even by Christian himself when I stuffed up being an ADMIN on the forums…I apologised for the issue at hand, when a opinion was from my side was stated I was called childish.

In my opinion (yes my opinion) that a true friend/forum member(s) that have posted on this thread have some how respected my opinion and wished this “childish” person all the best in the future & “hope to see you soon”.

If I have no right to say what I wish to say, then you have no right to judge my opinion with your posts.

P.S. Maybe if people showed there opinions to the governments instead of being sheep then we wouldn't have the issues that we have with the EPA, police harassments, we pay their bills and pay their pay checks!!!!! This is the city/state that we have to live, they just run it.

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if i was rude to anyone, please dont take it personal, im just an asshole really

I would of expected more from you dox.

Well maybe i am a asshole, i was generalising and not saying this and this person did this and said this.

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If I have wasted your time in reading my a couple paragraphs of text that I had posted then I guess all the advice and talking (in person) to people was a waste of time, since some people couldn’t car less to what I have to say.

Sorry for the time you have wasted on a useless thread.

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If I have wasted your time in reading my a couple paragraphs of text that I had posted then I guess all the advice and talking (in person) to people was a waste of time, since some people couldn’t car less to what I have to say.  

Sorry for the time you have wasted on a useless thread.

Rob I think it's unfortunate about your account, and I'm sure it's not that people dont care it's just that most people have too many other things going on in their life to show concern for other people's troubles... sometimes what is important to one individual may seem petty or trivial to another.

The important thing here is not to take it to heart, I'm sure people will understand if you want a break from the forums - I can see how it would be disheartening to lose your gallery, feedback, etc. especially if you built it up over 2 years being a member..... but at the end of the day it's just the internet and there are more important things in life. You get over it and move on. Hope to see you around, take care.


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I would of expected more from you dox.

Well maybe i am a asshole, i was generalising and not saying this and this person did this and said this.

no no sorry if you took it the wrong way, i was just joking hehehe :D

truth of the matter is, i've rarely been to any of the meetings due to work commitments so its hard to gauge if i've been an asshole or not

sorry for the confusion :D

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P.S. Maybe if people showed there opinions to the governments instead of being sheep then we wouldn't have the issues that we have with the EPA, police harassments, we pay their bills and pay their pay checks!!!!! This is the city/state that we have to live, they just run it.

Great point! Getting off your thread subject... maybe we should start another for this?

As a car club and I think 99% of us agree that the current situation regarding EPA/POLICE and SOME of the rules and logic behind them is an issue that no politician or person from the general public will rise. As a car club and pretty much the only people in the population that give a shit about the laws as they mostly effect us and go unnoticed by the general population of Ford/Holden motor users. We should be the individuals/club(s) that actually do something about them instead of crying and sobbing cos we got done (I'm guilty of this) It may not be a lobby or protest on the steps of parliament house (that would look good though...imagine 100's of SKYLINES or just imports blocking off Spring Street :D )But we should a least do something. I think SAU representing all Skyline owners (and I think the club as a whole would have some strong feelings toward the current tight-arse rules and regulations that sometimes make no sense at all) should officially open up a communication channel with parliament or local council to get some of our ideas just looked over. With a good argument, proper logic and backing of a community (even small, as we are) maybe we could get some of the pointless laws tweaked or changed.

I have a dream.

That Imports cars Local cars

Can use the same roads and be treated as equals.

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I believe you got owned SLYWPN thefinger.gif

Please inform me as to how I got owned?

As for losing posts in another thread... did I cry and start a post for everyone telling them how it has effected me and that I cannot go on? Dont think so, its the net ffs, Im over it

I just think that this is pointless, if rob actually left he wouldnt keep replying here.

We have talked before Rob and I have no intentions of disprespecting you at all. My comment of "childish" which you seem to have taken to heart was to highlight the fact that I think this post really is not neccessary. Fair enough, your account got screwed but who really gives a shit? Its a bloody forum account and yeah if mine got lost I'd be pissed off too for about 5 minutes.

All the best

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