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GTS/T with GTR Badge Shame File


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Right well as I said before I don't have a GTR badge on a GTST, but I did put one on my monitor at work as I am a long way away form my car (1600kms) I was told to post a pic, so here it is..

Shame on me..

PS. Incase your wondering, yes I do have a pic of my car on my desktop.. sad...

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As for when the REAL GTR abosolutley thumps you, you'll then know why they wear them so proudly. And all your doing is soiling their great name.!

what happens when you thump a gtr? does that count as shame?

el bee ill send you a pm, btw there was a 4door 33, our colour for sale on the coast up here, i went in and spoke to the sales dude, turns out he personally bought it in japan cause hed never seen one that colour before in all the time he had been over there.


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man its a badge, what about shopping lits on the side and shit, why do people do anything to their cars at all thats a variation from the stock item

its only a badge, maybe people are proud of what a gtr is and enjoy having the meaning behind the symbol on their car

you guys must be boared as hey :wassup:

Umm no it is not. A badge is different by the very nature that it is verbally stating that "my car is this" when it is not. It is about deliberately misleading people who do not know any better.




 Yes, it is wrong to lie. But if you are lieing, then you can not whinge when you are caught out.




 Ummm no it is not, see above




Missed the point again Rodney. Putting a body kit on a car is not verbally stating in written text that your car is something else. Plus a front bar can be put on for aerodynamic reasons and to allow for the fitting of a large FMIC. Bodykits, rims, paint, wings, etc etc, don't verbally state in written text so everybody can read, that the car is something that it is not.  So definitely an irrelevant analogy on your part.




 who cares what their justification is for lieing, they are still liars.

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Two things.

Firstly the major one. This thread needs a Darren Hinch recording of "SHAME SHAME SHAME"!!!

2nd thing, after thinking about it a bit more, not ONE of these GTR badges I've seen have been the same colour as an orginal badge, I think thats also wrong.

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2nd thing, after thinking about it a bit more, not ONE of these GTR badges I've seen have been the same colour as an orginal badge, I think thats also wrong.

Umm, the one on my monitor is pretty close to the one on my car...

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Well, i agree do what u like to your car if it makes you happy, that said, a GTR a badge is not rice or a mod its making it out to be something its not, covering something up whatever i dont see there is ne excuse, the first thing i did to my car when i bought it was remove the gtr badge from the boot, when i got a gtr grill i didnt put a badge on it cause even though there is a place for it, it looks better with something saying its something its not.

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lol guys this is pretty ****in funny, i actually saw couple of em around my area (morayfield) its a white gts-t with gtr body kit n a badge, i raced him 4 about 1km n then i realised, hold on ! either my car grew sum ****in balls overnite or this guy is a phoney, cuz he wasnt gettin away from me, by the way my car is still stock thats the funny thing about it. n e wayz people take ur badges of n get 1 like mine, it looks like GTR badge just it has a red s pretty cool... p.s this is a funny thread

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who the hell is that face on my avator???


you are a funny man rodney

too bad you never pick up your phone :slap:

anyways who made a glowing nismo sign for their parcel shelf ha?

you should take it out and give it to me lol

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good point krawler

HSV badges on crappy holdens is a pet hate of many holden fans.................they'd see the point in this argument.

i'm aginst it because it is a bad form of deception and it degrades Skylines..................has anyone ever seen a '911' badge on a Boxster? no because it would be seen as a sad attempt at looking cool.......

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I wonder if the people who think its ok the have a GTR badge on a GTST think its ok to have a HSV badge on a VL Turbo (which is certainly no HSV endorsed car :D)


Shame Krawlie, shame.

:cheers: to you for admitting to the group that you have a problem

group say thankyou to Andrew

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i'm aginst it because it is a bad form of deception and it degrades Skylines..................has anyone ever seen a '911' badge on a Boxster?  no because it would be seen as a sad attempt at looking cool.......

Thats because the people with boxsters are either trophy wifes or male hair dressers and wouldnt know the bloody difference! They see porsche they think they got the real deal, not a glorified VW motor!

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