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Anyone here a JP or know one ?


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I need a document signed by a JP cause I am selling my house.

Doesn't have to be a JP but has to be an 'authorised person' under the NSW oaths act of 1900 (Who ever that might be) <--- Adam can you help a non-legal out here , I Have googled it to no avail -

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Ha - yeah that's what I thought too - I went to my local Chemist and they said no - try the fish & chip shop, which I did but guess what - I think they were taking the piss.

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Nope - nowhere near there , and quite carless at the moment - Thanks for that though.

I think it will be easier for me when I actually have a car.......

Damn - I have been going so well without one..... :P

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I thought so - but do you think I could find a list of 'authorised' people under the NSW oaths act of 1900 ?? I even know what section of the act - 27

But it doesn't seem to say - Doctors, Phycologist, Chemists, School Teachers, Brothel owners - etc.

Thanks for that./

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Hey Sarpi how do you become a JP? I've always wanted to know..

B-Man - try a police station (where there's usually one) or the local sherrif's office (where there definitely is one).

:werd: I've got a JP twice at Police Stations.

It appears some requirements are different too, the Oaths act is JPs only, but many other documents the list above is OK, ie chemists, doctors, accountants, teachers etc

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Pretty much yeah. The JP will write a little blurb saying the copies are a true representation of the original copy blah blah blah and sign and date it.

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Yeah, as above. I ve done this to the local cop shop. Just rocked up and said that i need a JP to sign a copy, the reception officer happened to be a JP, she did it straight away. No charge.

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