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Response Sound Gear


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ive installed them in my home theatre. They blew in a couple of days. They are the worst bloody speakers i have ever bought and wouldnt touch them again. Good Old Bose, ill stoick with that now lol :D

Was it the new 6.5 inch kevlar splits you blew? Well i might stay away from their speakers then. I read a review on their amps though and seem to be pretty good. What speaker sizes do you have front and back in your R33?


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used to have an old 2x82wrms response, it went alright, i rate the response monoblock for power for $$, i have one running my sub at the moment, dont think i would drive splits off them tho, rears and sub yep 4 sure...great value

as for the response splits...im getting some in a week or so to do an install on a silvia for a mate, so will be interesting to see how they go...affordable enough to use as rears too instead of coax's mayb and a nice set for the front?

i got MTX splits in the front of my 32, was looking at respose for the rears, must say they are a nice speaker, have that nice warm crisp sound

haven't tried the JL but would imagine they are nice, check out Peerless splits..think auto barn has them, was gonna get those, they are really nice IMO...european and affordable! check CAA tho, u will find more there

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ive got 2 amps in my car with no problems... ive had an older series one running for a few yrs no problems... heaps of power and good price...

my mate has some splits in his 33 and they sound good.... blew the tweeters but just got some nicer ones :D


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I'm a great fan of Response gear, have been recommending it to my mates and installing them in a few of my mate's cars..

To be honest, well IMO Response gear is budget gear with quality.

I've placed the Response Kelvar Splits up with Boston Pros and they sound just as good for 1/3 the price, although they can not be fed heaps of power

If your after good SQ and on a budget, I would recommend the Response Kelvar Splits, ~$180 or $140 on ebay they would give any set of Kenwood, Pioneer, Sony Splits a good run for price

As for their amps, the 2nd generation is jam packed with goodies at a affordable price. For under $300 you get an amp that does 4x100watts RMS at THD < 0.05% that would snap any mainstream brands on the market, taking in consideration you read the RMS not the MAX PMPO rubbish that amps tend to use e.g. Sony 1000 watts MAX, although u get like 4 x 50 watts RMS

Personally I would go all response gear in the car, stealth install, your friends envy the SQ...

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I've had problems with 2 Response amps, the first was a 2x100Watt RMS which I suspect suffered water damage when my mates girlfriend spilt her drink under my seat where the amp was (luckily it was in ym old shit heap Celica)

The 2nd was a big boy 400wRMS which I had in my GTS-4, the problem was the 3 fuses kept coming loose under hard cornering, the fuse holders just couldn't hold the fuses tight enough and each time I cornered with a bit of feeling I had to reach under the seat and re-adjust the fuses.

I believe they've updated the design of the amps since and it appears they dont have the external fuses anymore. Still something to look out for.

Also I managed to burn out a response 10" carbon sub in about 3 days but I was over driving it a little. I melted the voicecoil. Could happen to any sub.

I also use JayCar SuperCar tweeters with the JayCar cross-over, they sound brilliant, cant recommend them highly enough for their price.

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ive installed them in my home theatre. They blew in a couple of days. They are the worst bloody speakers i have ever bought and wouldnt touch them again. Good Old Bose, ill stoick with that now lol :D

when you say "blew" what do you mean? what amp were you running. i only ask because i'm yet to see speakers that just "blow". my guess is that your amp went into clipping (passing DC) which fried your speakers.

if you replaced bose speakers with jaycar units in a "lifestyle" system i'm not in the least bit surprised that they blew. the impedance of bose speakers is completely different to anything else out there on the market! trust me i know! (i work for bose :unsure:)

otherwise, for the money, a select few of the jaycar drivers aren't too bad for what they're designed to do. you just gotta chose the right ones. don't expect them to compete with the danes, but they're not bad....


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i use one jaycar 2x80 for splits, and 2x250 for sub, i use the sub amp bridged to feed an image dynamics 12" sub 500wrms, and have no complaints.

no issues with the 2x80 for the splits either.

only issue i have is the 6.5' splits, fair enough for the money u cant really get any better, but in absolute terms, i believe they are bad.

midrange is OK, but the tweeters are wayyyy to bright and sound harsh, maybe a customised crossover would help.

also the crossovers for the splits are in unnecesarily big cases, i had to trim one to fit it anywhere :D

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I blew a 2X150RMS amp due to crossing of wires lol but they fixed it without problems and its fine now, giving really nice power to my speakers.

I always hear response is good price for good quality from people in the industry. I think their amps are better then their speaker range.

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ive installed them in my home theatre. They blew in a couple of days. They are the worst bloody speakers i have ever bought and wouldnt touch them again. Good Old Bose, ill stoick with that now lol :P

did they blow because of a quality issue? usually u blow a speaker because of too little or much power, or wrong frequencies, i doubt it would be the speakers fault.

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i'm yet to see a quality driver become proper fried from too much power. to this date every singe fried voice coil has been because of too little power from an amp clipping.

i ran a home amp (nad silverline) rated at 200 into 8R (which doubled its output into every impedance halving down to 2ohm) into a set of entry level 4ohm dynaudio speakers (audience 42) FLAT STRAP and they are still working just fine! these speakers were rated at 100w from memory.



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i'm yet to see a quality driver become proper fried from too much power. to this date every singe fried voice coil has been because of too little power from an amp clipping.

i ran a home amp (nad silverline) rated at 200 into 8R (which doubled its output into every impedance halving down to 2ohm) into a set of entry level 4ohm dynaudio speakers (audience 42) FLAT STRAP and they are still working just fine! these speakers were rated at 100w from memory.



i have seen a few properly fried but yes the major problem is people think they cant fry a speaker with too little power, big mistake lol.

i think the first properly fried speaker i saw was an 8inch sub bought from tandy, power by a BOSS amp, the amp certainly showed the sub who was BOSS lol.

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