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Mr Italy!

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Everything posted by Mr Italy!

  1. How much is he asking? I need to know how many banks i need to rob so i can buy it off him
  2. So didnt you just answer your own question? I remember seeing a thread about some rich guy who converted his GTT into a "GTR". Everyone was ripping into him coz it would never be a GTR without the floor pan. So i guess if you can find that thread you will find your answer.
  3. I think the one your thinking of is a PWR cooler?? The design of the ARC one is similar to the blitz LM. Does anyone know if there is much of a difference between the two, or are they much of a muchness? How big are the inlet/outlet and the size of the piping?
  4. Use a shit load of WD40 all over the thread and the adjuster bit itself. You'll notice there are two spinny thingos. The bottom one locks the top one, so the first move you need to make is crack the bottom one so it moves down. You can then move the top one. If you dont have the right tool i guess you can use a wrench. I dont have the tool for my Apexi's so we used a wrench, a hammer, a flat head screw driver and our hands and it worked fine.
  5. Meh why would you mess with Godzilla? Any GTR is sexy enough, kitting it just kills it.
  6. I dont get peoples attraction to Veilside kits on skylines. What the f**k is that foldy uppy shit on the side of the bar. Yuck.
  7. The first modification i would make is learning how to use the search button.
  8. Either your coilpacks are farked or the spark plug gap is incorrect. Do a search next time.
  9. Now you just gotta hope the pinging hasnt hurt your engine much. It doesnt take much to cause a problem.
  10. If they made one, in my oppinion, it would be as ugly as sin. Kinda like all their other kits.
  11. I feel that when your a passanger the car feels faster then when you're driving. I let my mate drive mine the other night when i was passanger and i was rather impressed with my head being pushed to the head rest I guess when your driving you know exactly what the cars gonna do, so it doesnt feel so dramatic.
  12. Oh shit i was always under the impression the whole light assembly was changed to a non-xenon one. If its true that the light assembly stays, and they just remove the Xenon light globe, just go out and buy a new light globe. Easy as. Much cheaper then the $700 ransom your being held under.
  13. But isnt that just the Xenon light? I'd imagine the whole light assembly would be much better then just chucking a xenon light into an assembly where its built to refract/reflect normal bulb light? I'd much prefer the whole light assembly if i could get my hands on some! Im no expert and i havent done science in a while, so dont qoute me on that.
  14. Haha yeah i meant telstra, and yeah i think thats the roshan im talkin about - Sri lanken looking fellow? Has smoko's every 5 mins
  15. I thought it was the law for the compliance place to DESTROY the item once they had been taken off the car. So doesnt that mean that legally they shouldnt exist, so he cant force the guy to hand over items that should have been destroyed? If he was to go to the ACCC and they got in touch with the guy, he could just say he destroyed them like he was supposed to.... right? Pac, i think the guy has you by the balls and there isnt much you can do about that, except to pay his greatly overpriced labour amounts.
  16. If you can just hide it up under the steering bit, under the dash. Make sure its turned off tho haha, dont wanna turn the car off while at the inspection and have it stay on for 2 mins
  17. BOV - blow off valve. Fully Uley.
  18. Saw it at UNI today too, they must do commerce with me. Non turbo tho
  19. Ummm doesnt that mean you cleared the tune that was on there? and your now gonna have to get it retuned?
  20. Haha are you kidding? I just bought brand new handbrake and gear boots... does that mean my car has low km's?
  21. ^ You should take it back to this bloke and get him to make it work with the turbo timer. You can make it work.
  22. http://www.j-spec.com.au/ They have em all the time. Talk to "funkymonkey" on here, he'll help you out!
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