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you'd think with Australian cities being so far apart they'd improve the roads connecting em... for example driving from Melbourne to Sydney, the road up to the border from Melbourne is awesome, absolutely smooth, not much wildlife crossing and well marked. Cross the border and it seems like driving into some third world nation.

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I think it comes down to whether or not you are scared to perform a manoova (i have no idea how to spell that ;) ) on the roads and as someone has said already hesitation is dangerous........

I haven't read the full thread, but has anyone mentioned South Australians as being the worst drivers on this planet.

WA'ens a close contender I think mate :D

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I have to agree with FM.

Sydney roads are ridiculous, try Paramatta road! (no offense sydney people).

But, I feel they drive a bit slower than Victorians (thus safer).

I find Victorian drivers to be a bit too fast and impatient on the roads, mainly because the roads are nice and wide.

Japanese roads by comparison are usually quite rough and occupied by traffic, so people don't really drive all that fast but they can still drive recklessly (like through the red light or not looking for pedestrians when they turn).

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I'd love to see the speedlimits increased, but I'm not quite sure it's safe.

The problem is all the completely shithouse cars out there, do you really want someone is a beatup shitbox doing 140km/h 3 meters behind you in peak hour?

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upping speed limits on freeways is what people are saying from what i gather.....

i doubt people are condoning speed limits of 140 on city st's ;)

and its true, freeway drives are so boring, no wonder people fall asleep, if the speed limits were higher on freeways etc, like someone else said going like 140 u are more alert....

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you'd think with Australian cities being so far apart they'd improve the roads connecting em... for example driving from Melbourne to Sydney, the road up to the border from Melbourne is awesome, absolutely smooth, not much wildlife crossing and well marked. Cross the border and it seems like driving into some third world nation.

I remember my dad telling me a while ago, that there were plans to make the M1 pretty much from Brisbane to Syndey all 4 lanes both ways. The figures showed that it would pay for its self in increased trade, less deaths, less congestion etc within approx 2 years. Yet, nothing serious has been done about it. But you do the sums, thats one hella exxy road. For it to pay for its self without a toll in about 2 years...

Anyway, Aussies cant drive. Its driver training. Technically its common sence, but you do have to cater for the low IQ. Show them everything, make sure they understand it etc, then make them do it again and again. Such as merging, and round-a-bouts.

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its like this because the Aus government gives us no responsibility whatsoever, we are forced to act like robots ie; follow the speed limit, do what the sign says, POT HOLE? i dont know what your talking about!, i never had that one programmed into me? but hey the sign says 100! so better stick to it!

Other countries are forced to learn how to drive and know when its safe to speed, not like here, there not fined for stupid things.

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As for doing dangerous speeds on dangerous roads,.... Pakistan will be it. Like I'd do 140 on small 2 lane roads in the city. 160-180 on main roads in the middle of the city. Overtake cars from the opposite side of the road and cut back in with only a few inches to spare. It was daunting to drive like that at first but later on you get used to it.

haah where abouts in Pakistan did you go?

There are some really good freeways there and nobody cares about the speed limit. Driving there was fun, no rules. ;)

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In Soviet Russia, car drive you! :P

Glad to hear that!

Based on previous comments I want to pose a question to randominsanity73 about people living in communist countries.

If everyone is earning the same wage, (ie; the rubbish man and the road worker earn as much as the doctor and the lawyer) which one is the better driver?

It seems that by your way of thinking, if there are no class issues, then there should also be no car accidents in these countries. ;)

The issue of bad drivers in South Aus was raised, I have a little story about the licencing system in SA.

My ex's brother had 16 failed attempts at getting his licence.

They eventually just "gave" him one because they were sick of him applying. (port augusta)

Surely 16 failed attempts means this person should never be permitted on a road by themself.. not handed a licence because they're a serial pest?

Having said that, there is also the question of:

How many people driving actually have a licence?

I know of many many people who have lost their licence yet continue to drive, or drive without ever having obtained a licence.


Then there is the question of the licence testing itself.

When I took my driving lessons, the instructor only wanted to teach me what was going to be covered in the test.

Each lesson, we drove to the area where the tests were held, and I was guided down one of 6 routes which the testers make you travel along.

I wasn't taught how to drive, I was trained how to pass the test.

There was no travel on any road marked over 60 during the test.

No merging, no lane changing, no rail crossings, no pedestrian crossings etc.

All I had to do was drive around some back streets and not hit anything.

I found it incredibly amusing that part of the driving test was knowing how to operate the heater and the hazard lights, especially considering the vehicle that I drove at the time (Ranger) didn't have either of these :D

Upping speed limits won't fix anything, because the people who don't know how to drive won't miraculously learn how to keep left over night.

Lowering speed limits wont fix anything because people will still go at whatever speed they feel like.

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thats true, i only got my P's like may last yr.... the actual driving test went for all of 15 minutes :D and a majority of it was how to press a hazard light switch and operate indicators :lol:.....

the actual driving bit all i had to do was cruise for 10 minutes, and do one reverse park.... whoa. way to tell me how to do stuff i already knew when i was 16 lol

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It's just unfortunate that some people think that once they have been to school, they know everything there is to know.

Same with driving lessons....

People think "I had the lessons, I know how to drive".

Learning the road laws is easy.

However, learning how to read what people are going to do on the road isn't something which is taught by any driving school or advanced driving courses, it's something which can only be learned by experience on the road.

It doesn't help new drivers to learn how to do the right thing when the majority of people "do as they please" and make the rules up as they go along.

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in Italy and Greece, you wernt allowed to take Learner lessons with your parents you had to take all of your lessons with a payed instructor wich is expensive after a while, but worth it.

Also another thing that really shits me is the way we use our horn, in europe its a safety thing where u can warn people and that sought of thing, here we only use it to crack the shits and its bullshit!

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I think I've told this one before, but I'll repeat it out of relevance to the topic.

Guy I used to work with taught both his sons to drive. Part of that process involved sessions at DECA - both boys passed with flying colours. Came close to test time, he decided to invest in a few professional lessons. When he told the "professional" about the fact that the boys had some DECA training under their belts, professional reportedly commented:

"Don't care about DECA - we just teach them how to get the licence"

As was stated by Peter Wherret many years ago - in this country, you are not taught how to drive, you are taught how to get your licence. So, is it any wonder that people continue to kill themselves when they don't have a faintest idea about driving, about the physics involved, about emergency procedures.

All this new stuff they're devising (ABS, Traction Control, Stability Control, RADAR distance sensors, etc) is designed to protect incompetents who don't know what is really involved in controlling a motor vehicle. At the same time, they are taking any fun out of driving for people who know what they are doing.

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