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You Know, That Really Grinds My Gears Thread.


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wgmg is when stupid bunch of dickhead indians come into the room your studying at uni, and start have a party and screaming, throwing shit

guys laughing like a bunch of girls, high pitched as hell....f*kn annoying kunts.....f*k f*k f*k

i get enough of hearing their acsent from lectures and telstra worker...so annoying

i swear im gonna walk to up them and tell them to 'sut teh phluck UP muan'!!!


Happened to me as well! F*ck tards!

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wgmg is when stupid bunch of dickhead indians come into the room your studying at uni, and start have a party and screaming, throwing shit

guys laughing like a bunch of girls, high pitched as hell....f*kn annoying kunts.....f*k f*k f*k

i get enough of hearing their acsent from lectures and telstra worker...so annoying

i swear im gonna walk to up them and tell them to 'sut teh phluck UP muan'!!!

That happened to us too once. My one mate is a big Spanish guy. He got up and started yelling at them and kicked them all out. We all lol'd. :wub:

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  • 3 weeks later...
People who can't merge properly, can't change lanes properly, can't negotiate roundabouts properly, can't indicate properly, people on the freeway who can't do the speed limit, and people who don't indicate when turning right at an intersection with no filter lane until they are in the middle of the intersection.

So yeah, most of Perth.

OMFG!! So totally agree it drives me absolutely mental! It's liek peopel get in their cars and go "uhh...now what" and why are round abouts so confusing? its not f*** hard!!! Jeeebus!!!!

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I take it you were the 17year old. So how do handcuffs feel? :P

You're not having a good run aren't you lol. Don't worry, I've had a similar run this year, though I didn't get arrested. Just had the fraud squad give me a call to let me know they have f*ck all to do and felt like chasing up bullshit things...

and while I'm here. WGMG..well it doesn't really as nothing does anymore (new look on life) is I'm awake at 3am on a Monday morning and there is nobody online lol.

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wgmg is when you let someone in front at a banked up intersection because your nice and all, and about 10 seconds up the road you get a red light but the person you let in gets the green light and you have to wait 5 minutes for the light to turn green again!! damn wellington street :thumbsup:

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ha ha I've been there before Lucy lol

wgmg are wanka's that sit on your ass in the right lane, when you're stuck behind a slow arse manual driver, so you go to over take and just as you indicate and start to change lanes the tailgater boots it up the side of you. Man this pissed me off...sometimes I wish I could just ram some f*kwits!!!

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WGMG is dale.

And him earning stupid amounts of cash to sit on SAU WA whorethread all day.

And that he whinges about me coming in.

And that he calls me a cockroach



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WGMG is when you stay up all night reading the wgmg topic from start to finish because you have just found it until 5AM and then sleep in for work. :)

One word. FAIL.

u got off work = pass!

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Tailgaters that sit on your ass, pushing you to race when clearly you have no interest in racing.

Yet, even after you convey the message that you do not wish to race they keep doing it. Causing me, to do the oppisite and slow right down.


and YES it happened to me today.

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