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You Know, That Really Grinds My Gears Thread.


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wgmg every car ive driven in the past week being broken down or in the shop on a monday morning love getting chewed out for being an hour late for work when its the damn broken never serviced pos work utes fault

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wgmg.... stupid fat little man in white hatch back... i've left enough room for the 4wd infront to my right, then me, and the little hatch back right rear of me all to merge sweetly together behind truck.... fat little man in hatchback decides to fly up the side of me just metres before merge point,I sooooooo wanted to smash into him as I was in front but didn't want to be without my car again... god I was soooooo angry,road rage added by the extra stress cause I've not had a cigarrette for7 days lol Anyways, I followed fat little man and I think he was shitting his dacks when I got out and asked him why he did that...And I told him that if I didn't back off, he'd be in the wrong and would have to pay... 'oh whatever' he says.. hahah I told him next time I wont be so freaken nice!!

Best thing about this is I see him nearly every day on my way to work!

Bring it on fat little man... don't mess with Kylie when she's trying to quit smoking hahaha

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wgmg... is when f***tards tailgate you for no reason with the high beams on. Then when you pull over and they fly past and give chase they pull over in meaningless side streets and sit there sh!tting there dacks. Until you continue on your merry way. :(

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when you see a cop car on the freeway doing 90ish and everybody else slowing down making sure they don't over take the cop resulting in slowing down the freeway. Just cause there's a cop driving slower doesn't change the speed limit. Funny looking in the rear mirror and seeing 1 cop car and the rest of the freeway drivers sitting nicely behind them :P i did the speed limit with no problems, and my s**t stands out, cops might have been having a good laugh at every1 sat behind them...

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WGMG!! is parents who shave there toddlers hair and give them little mullets.... GRRR!!! It aint cool to walk around with a head that looks like it has been attacked by clippers. And it def aint cool to do it to your child. WTF is happening to this world.

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WGMG!! is parents who shave there toddlers hair and give them little mullets.... GRRR!!! It aint cool to walk around with a head that looks like it has been attacked by clippers. And it def aint cool to do it to your child. WTF is happening to this world.

i'm guessing you have a little kid/s? we shaved our 13 month olds hair (nothing stupid, just clean shaved head) a couple of times, have you ever tried to dry a toddlers hair when they don't want to sit still, so much easier with no hair, and he doesn't care at that age.

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Nah mate i dont actually.... well none that I am aware of anyhow. LOL. Thats all good. I have enough difficulty keeping myself outa trouble let alone a child. Its just the mullet job, it kills my life.

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what really grinds my gears is when your travelling along a single lane, and there is one car holding up 10-15 other cars, then the lane splits into two and that one car that was travelling under the speed limit speeds up so much that you don't want to exceed the speed limit too much so you stay behind, then as the lanes merge into one again, the little f*kker slows down to 5 k's under the limit again.... man this makes me wild. I can't understand why someone would want to do that to a heap of people. Do they not value thier own lives? Are they that f*ken stupid to think people wont want to smash the shit out of them? Some days I just shake my head in disbelief. We really do live umong total idiots. I might go buy a big F250 ... a big f*k off car.. hahahahahah

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  • 4 weeks later...
what grinds my gears?

when you go to maccas and ask for no pickles or tomatoes etc etc.

you get to the car and theve given you pickles .HOW HARD IS IT TO GET IT RIGHT. *smacks head on wall*

i ahve alot mroe to add.this weekend pissed me off.


2.fat people walking slowly in a street thats too thin to get past

3.people who walk against the flow of trafic

4.emos LOL i do not need a striaghtener TYVM

5.that chik who pretends to be in the wheelchair and sings in the city to make money.WE HAVE PHOTOS OF YOU WALKING!!!!!!

that is all:)

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