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World Cup!


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So finally the day has come...i been looking forward to this day since Aloisi's famous penlaty shot blasted the Uruguay net... >_<

I have taken 4 weeks off work and i will be going to various venues to watch the games, i also converted one of the living rooms downstairs at my house into a 'world cup games room' with a big screen, heiniken on tap and spare beds in other rooms for mates to crash overnight...

I would have loved to go to Germany but didnt work out...so what are you guys doing and where are you guys watching the games?? maybe some of you dont even care...

Anyway...best of luck to the aussies....

Edited by Jetdat
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holy shit, i like your style man. Ill be hitting any of the pubs/clubs that will be showing it. Should be awesome i cant wait. As for the socceroos i think its critical to win against Japs or we wont get through to the next round.

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I'll be watchingo teh inhouse big sreen(at home) Even f Aussie gets tramped, I'm in it for the long run. Now is the time for world peace, that is until the games start and all hell breaks loose!!

Go you f**ken aussies, GO!!

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Will watch as many of the games regardless of who the teams are as its a great game to watch. Supporting England all the way but will following Australia with great interest and hope they go far in the competition to elevate the status of "soccer" over here.

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being German I am obvisously biased!

Personally, I think the final match will be Germany / Italy ...and Germany will loose.

As for the Socceroos - No offense, guys.....but I do not think that the Aussies will make the 2nd round...I'd love to be wrong about this, tho....

Good luck!


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OH MY GOD, i have to get it off my chest, WE WON, yeah WE WON, we KICKED those JAP ass. If it wasn't the " CONTROLVERAL GOAL" it would have been Sweet 3.

Well done CAHILL and ALOISI, well done. :)

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twas definitely a nice win...

2-1 was good enough...shit, even 1-1 the way they were shooting from the middle of nowhere which was stupid....but 3-1...well done.

credit to the jap keeper, he made some excellent saves against some absolute rocket shots

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