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lol loving auto-tune

*expletives deleted*

while t-pain uses the autotune a lot, its a pretty damn obvious use of it for the sound effect

the thing that shits me is when you get turds like britney and ashlee simpson using it, hell, even t-pain can sing without the autotune, he just calibrates it really roughly... when they use it on girls (lip synchers i should say) like britney etc its tuned much tighter.. thing is that shit is destroying the music industry from within. i'd be outraged, if it wasnt having a spectacular blowback effect upon the listeners and the industry..

point in case.... black eyed peas

not many people know this, but back before they got that post-methamphetamine scrag fergie, they used to be one hell of an underground hiphop act.... download 'bridging the gaps' and 'behind the front' if you want to hear the black eyed peas before they sucked... as soon as they got fergie, they sold out and focused upon selling records rather than producing real good music, and for that they should be vilified and hated for the sell out capitalist cops they are... sadly, I have to confess that I did infact download their subsequent albums, and after listening to each one, I deleted that herpes infected shit off my hard drive before my entire computer caught cooties

i downloaded their latest cd, and the entire f**king thing is saccharine pop bullshit, each song uses the autotune, even in places they dont>have< to.... I felt raped from having downloaded a 60meg zip of their album, and I felt noticably dumber after having listened to that POS....

Moral of the story, autotune = shit at best, apocryphal at worst, same goes for the black eyed peas. they used to be down, now theyre just sell out clowns


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too late for political/religious debates we each know where we stand ;)

one does not need to believe in a deity to believe :D

Belief in ones own self is necessary for a human being to truly live free


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no i see it on bumper stickers all the time so there must be lots of believers :D


that white thing in the corner? is that a map of texas?


oh i feel the rapture-a-comin >;)


Edit - srsly tho, I did 4 yrs of theology and i can appreciate the subtleties including the use of the color purple, the saying itself goes much farther than religion, its actually a psychological profile of human nature - belief of anything that is greater than ones own being inspires acts of bravery, madness, stupidity, love, dedication and cold hearted resolution....

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