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Vn 3.8 Stroked To A 4.0 Engine In My 32r


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this really makes me sick, i pray that he is just joking because if he gets rid of the best engine ever made for a v6... seriously a V6!!. he does not deserve a r32 is he aiming to drive slower and make his car sound bad. Now im not making fun of him starting right... now. ok now ill talk about that engine easily it sucks but thats my opinion so dont get angry with me, there are way to many of these cars around where i live and they put exhaust systems on them and they all sound horrible they dont sound sporty or sound like there fast they just sound like there is something wrong with there engine or there isnt any exhaust on the car. anyway i could make fun of holden for ages there just a car that im not a fan of at all, and thats mainly because of the drivers that have them where i live, they are all wankers starting fights and doing massive burnouts outside pubs all the time so i dont have anytime for them there all show ponies, but im not saying that every holden driver is just where i live.

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To fix the sound when you put the clutch in, make sure to fill the box with Charcoal and sawdust, use diesel oil in the engine for maximum response.

even better

use kero for engine oil but before you close the oil cap chuck a burning match in it so your engine is always warm and ready to fang from the word go

but the charcoal and sawdust works a treat on the gearbox. maybe add a little paint in it also with clear coat to make it all pretty

so ye


:laugh: put a VN motor in your GTR and skyline owners will rape your ass till your convert it back

Edited by ashneel
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i love the idea but i think i might do it differently thinking of buying a gtr shell and putting in a suzi cappachino 0.8lt motor in it and bolting it up the the 4wd, then raise it up with some 1980's landcruiser suspention wheels and some blocks, i think it would be a mad as car

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if ur gona put a turbo on it too then do it those stroker motors are better than buick crap they are stronger and rock solid make sure you go for the c.o.m.e. racing 4.2L stroker boost motor designed for boost applications and there is a twin throttle designed for it too put the turbo on with it will hammer.

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yeh true, but if u got a good compression ratio it should eliminate that probly fairly well

and the 4.2 will have plenty of torque. otherwise i wouldnt go for a 4.2 standard on itself n/a no turbo. if it were me id leave the rb25 in there and run the turbo off the 6 cylinders

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