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Sauwa Cruise Saturday 8th December


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well my car has been off the road since about 2 weeks after the SAUWA drag day last yr (i think???) and it mayyyyyy just be ready 4 this cruise... turbos getting replaced this week and hopefully will be ready 4 the weekend *crosses fingers* but if i do come itll probably be one of the last 4 me as ill be selling my shitter with glitter and heading off to Melb soon... :P

none of you probably even know or remember me lol oh wellz :P

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haha! yeah i think i can live with that....

Yeah should be ok but you have accept the riduicule handed to you for driving a falcodore :(
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Hey Guys!

So far SKYRYAN and a few of my mates are joining us at Gateways at 830 for the cruise up to Karrinyup. Anyone else joining us???? Curious cos I don't wana leave anyone behind, oh wait, my car is faster then SKYRYAN's so I'm sure he'll be in my rear view mirror! :nyaanyaa:


but yeah, let us know so we'll wait for ya!



p.s. SKYRYAN is going to be wearing a skirt, so seriously worth joining us at gateways hey, we'll get our own private show!

Edited by jessr33
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Hey Guys!

So far SKYRYAN and a few of my mates are joining us at Gateways at 830 for the cruise up to Karrinyup. Anyone else joining us???? Curious cos I don't wana leave anyone behind, oh wait, my car is faster then SKYRYAN's so I'm sure he'll be in my rear view mirror! :nyaanyaa:


but yeah, let us know so we'll wait for ya!



p.s. SKYRYAN is going to be wearing a skirt, so seriously worth joining us at gateways hey, we'll get our own private show!

sounds good...just got me a 32 gtr so would be good to get to me the SOR people ;)

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Hey Guys!

So far SKYRYAN and a few of my mates are joining us at Gateways at 830 for the cruise up to Karrinyup. Anyone else joining us???? Curious cos I don't wana leave anyone behind, oh wait, my car is faster then SKYRYAN's so I'm sure he'll be in my rear view mirror! :nyaanyaa:


but yeah, let us know so we'll wait for ya!



p.s. SKYRYAN is going to be wearing a skirt, so seriously worth joining us at gateways hey, we'll get our own private show!

ill see if i can get down there, see if i can keep up with ryans new found power. ;)

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Hey Guys!

So far SKYRYAN and a few of my mates are joining us at Gateways at 830 for the cruise up to Karrinyup. Anyone else joining us???? Curious cos I don't wana leave anyone behind, oh wait, my car is faster then SKYRYAN's so I'm sure he'll be in my rear view mirror! :rofl:


but yeah, let us know so we'll wait for ya!



p.s. SKYRYAN is going to be wearing a skirt, so seriously worth joining us at gateways hey, we'll get our own private show!

Yeh I know myself and another member will be there also. what time will we be takin off from gateways?

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Umm good question.. is there going to be traffic on the freeway for the christmas padgent is it? If we are meeting Karrinyup @ 9.30pm then I think we should leave gateways around 8.50 - 9pm.

Thats a good point! I dont think the freeway should be a problem.

The cruise is probably going to be mainly highway/freeway running and wont be going near the city until late...so we wont be affected :rofl:

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i'd like to take out the rx7 but my mate hasnt got back to me yet....

he broke his hand and cant drive.... haha! so im making sure that the car runs fine still...

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Hey Guys!

So far SKYRYAN and a few of my mates are joining us at Gateways at 830 for the cruise up to Karrinyup. Anyone else joining us???? Curious cos I don't wana leave anyone behind, oh wait, my car is faster then SKYRYAN's so I'm sure he'll be in my rear view mirror! :D


but yeah, let us know so we'll wait for ya!



p.s. SKYRYAN is going to be wearing a skirt, so seriously worth joining us at gateways hey, we'll get our own private show!

I`ll be joining you guy`s at gateway`s as well. I`ll be in the Pearl White R33 4-door.

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Wow, seems like gateways is getting pretty popular, would meet you guys there but im am NOR so be a bit out of the way!! Like the food court dome roof? I helped install it, ooo and it wasn't me that Fu*ked up the join if any1 knows what im talking about :D

See you guys there!!!

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