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Is My R32 Curse?


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hey there guys

just wanted to share my experience with everyone when i finally brought my r32 gtst 10 months ago

since then what has happen to my 32 is my front driver side fender has been reverse into as it was parked at

the gym, leaving me the bill, as the driver did a hit and run, next to follow that was my car was parked at a friends house slept

overnight and came out the next morning to find that my driver side door had been reverse into, damaged was to great so

had to purchase a new door and respray the whole driver side, yet again leaving me with the bill. After getting my car back in

perfect working order i was involve in a accident today. Was driving on the highway and the driver of another car signal into my

lane without looking at his blind spot and hit my whole driver side (wat luck huh?) so now i need a new side blinker and

another respray on the driver side. l

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That sucks man did the guy that hit you today have insurance at least? Hope things go better for you soon, theirs nothing worse then constant problems with your pride and joy, makes you so depressed.

Edited by Dave69001
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yeh we have a cursed black car too, 350z, its had 5 good hits in 4 years, every panel has been done, none were our fault. Most recently a jeep turned into us in a corner, I stopped when he hit me but he kept driving - so he scraped the front bumper, drivers side guard, drivers door, drivers rear guard and rear bumper

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yea this is pretty much what has happened to me aswell. black r32 gtst. the front bonnet it damaged and front bar, reverse lights are broken from gettin bumped in the ass, back right panal bumped, number of dents in door from retarded people that cant open doors proply.

i think i might have to get a really touchy alarm and just run out every time

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Wow mine must be the only lucky black car then.

The only problem I have had is clutch went.. Stock clutch my fault because I was pushing it on the skidpans, your usually old worn parts that need to be replaced over time.. And my gearbox needs a reco but thats another story.

Ive had my car for nearly 2 years now.

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