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My Wheels Got Pinched..!


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Ditto on what Paulr33 said.

The seller can be tracked by their ip address, when they login to their ebay account the ip is recorded.

Ebay staff can then lookup the ip address or address's that used the account then run a 'whois' on the ip

to identify which internet service provider it come from.

They pass this to the police who can contact the isp supply the ip address and request the end user (sellers) contact details then take care of the matter from there.

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Are you 100% sure?

No doubt others have ever used your rims before?

Be careful how you deal with this issue, could come back.

Reminds me of the stupid laws out there...

If some one comes into your house with a knife you have the right to get a knife to defend yourself.

If some one comes into your house with a gun you have the right to get a gun......

The trouble is do you have to ask the criminal what he has before you can get one yourself.

And if he has a gun , do you have time to get your gun out of the safe and look for the bullets in the cupboard.

The law sucks.

All you can do is report it to the Police...make a declaration at the cop shop and move on with your life.

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Are you 100% sure?

No doubt others have ever used your rims before?

Be careful how you deal with this issue, could come back.

Reminds me of the stupid laws out there...

If some one comes into your house with a knife you have the right to get a knife to defend yourself.

If some one comes into your house with a gun you have the right to get a gun......

The trouble is do you have to ask the criminal what he has before you can get one yourself.

And if he has a gun , do you have time to get your gun out of the safe and look for the bullets in the cupboard.

The law sucks.

All you can do is report it to the Police...make a declaration at the cop shop and move on with your life.

who cares about the law....if its 100% what there doing then its all good....for example,i busted someone inside our work ute at a shopping centre car park last week,he was lying across the seat looking for stuff in the glovebox with his legs hanging out the drivers door,so i snuck up behind and opened the door right up and "HI THERE!" as i slammed the door shut twice :P...i gave his nose a tune up and dragged him out and give him one more...after that he went to sleep and i stole $185.60c out of his back pocket and went back to work :D.

The moral of the story is....crime sometimes does pay,pay the victim for knocking him the fck out :)

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there was also a small bag with smiley face's on it tangled up in all the cash that i robbed him of....it was empty but i kept the bag as a souvenir

Edited by ylwgtr2
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The question is, how do you prove they are yours? Are they distinctive enough to do it on photos alone?
How do you know the rims on eBay are DEFINITELY your rims?

or more to the point, can you provide proof?


How do I know..? Coz...

1 - The rims went up for sale the day after my car got broken into

2 - They have the exact same tyres on them

3 - The guy lives in Melbourne..

4 - I made a fake eBay account and played dumb! I told him I drive a skyline and asked if the rims will fit my car. He wrote back saying "yes they will because they originally came off an r34"..which is my car!! I then asked him if I can inspect them before I buy them and he responded saying "no, sorry no pickup its postage only". When I wrote back saying to him that I will not pay $2500 for rims that I cant see before hand, he wrote back saying "I can meet you in a car park then, give me your number and ill call you". So I went and bought a prepayed sim card and gave him my number. When I wrote back to him with the number I also asked for his number in return, and he refused to give it to me and said "no, ill call you instead".

5 - He also is selling other items that look suss, like 5 turbo timers and 3 Nintendo Wii Consoles!

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Ferah, you have boy-friends right?

Your on the right track, make sure it does not get out of hand. Think about it, someone who steals rims may also steal your cash.. Make sure you have several friends hiding out.

And legally, unless you can prove they are yours, you will be actually commiting a crime theving them back...'

Oh id suggest meeting him in a car park such as Westfields where they record cars inbound and outbound, I would assume he would drive his vehicle into the car park so you may be able to contact the police about it all, saying he nicked them or somthing else.

Also meeting in a westfield gives you the chance to place friends at closest exits, make sure it has boom gates.. to attempt to stop the vehicle.

Edited by DECIM8
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I say f**k it and go with vigilante shit... if he has stolen other shit, he won't call the cops on this unless he wants to get busted for a miriad of other shit... You pretty much have free reign to f**k him up...

PS: I'll give you $20 if you grab me a Wii console while you're there...

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Id also suggest you get yourself about 4 cars and tail him home, he will meet somewhere close to him as he will know the best way to avoid capture (if hes smart) when he lets you know a place make sure you check it out before hand or better yet tell him your a girl and dont feel safe in that area and make it closer to you so hes lost.

4 cars to follow him randomly turning off as he drives home, keeping distance. He will eventually head home if you keep your guys far enough back. Once he gets home you know where he lives and you can do what you wish. Im sure with all those parts he'd have some kind of car.. im sure you can find some kind of paint stripper.

Make sure the cars randomly join him, once he leaves the car park.

Oh and make sure they arnt all turbo cars.. he'd obviously think something is up

Edited by DECIM8
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^^ hahaha wii's for everyone. this dude definetly stole those rims i sooooo wish i lived in melb to be with u guys when you umm buy these rims back :P .if they where mine id beat him til ko then put him in boot and dump him in the middle of no where or off bridge either is good.anywas f**k the cops they wont help f**k him up

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That really Sux to hear!!

Sounds like you've been doin the right things so far. but like someone else said, you are def gonna need some pretty good proof of ownership if the cops are gonna want to get involved...

If you are gonna meet up with them make sure you're smart about it... If they see you with 50 guys in skylines sittin there waiting for them, i'm pretty sure they aren't going to hang around.

*Send a friend incase they have seen your face before.

*send the friend to meet them alone so as not to scare them off, while you get their licence plate and description from afar. Maybe even follow them and try find out where they live. Maybe you could get someone to steal em back. I'm sure anyone here would help you out...

*If its a public place try and round up a few guys to be close by without it looking obvious ready incase it goes bad.

* Don't do anything stupid, if they realise you'r behind getting them bashed by half of SAU members i'm pretty sure they'll remember were you live.(if thats where they were stolen from.)

Hope you get em back!! And the f#gg#ts pay for it!!

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honestly if i were you i'd just let it go (for your safety and for anyone who goes with you), who knows what this guy is capable of. even if you do go with 100 guys it wont really make any difference, he only needs a loaded gun and he can waste all of you at the same time.

its not worth it, he stole your rims its not really that much, atleast he left the car :P

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thats pretty f@ked up ferah!

hope you get them back though..... i just hope that d!ckhead doesnt use this forum, cos he'd know all about your plans if he did

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honestly if i were you i'd just let it go (for your safety and for anyone who goes with you), who knows what this guy is capable of. even if you do go with 100 guys it wont really make any difference, he only needs a loaded gun and he can waste all of you at the same time.

its not worth it, he stole your rims its not really that much, atleast he left the car :P

Where's the justice in that??? hang on a minute.....

DID YOU STEAL THEM??????!!!!!!!! :D

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