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What The F*ck Is Wrong With People?

Go 33

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Tonight after hockey training in shenton park i return to my car to find the passenger side quarter window smashed in. i then find my back pack has been nicked and a big key mark along my front quarter panel.

i mean, what kind of low life scum go's around smashing into peoples cars that they have worked so hard to buy.


im so pissed knowing some low life has been through my stuff.

sorry, just needed to rant!

EDIT: pics added

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Edited by Go 33
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f*kheads!! so many of these low life f*ks around

dun understand why the kunt had to key your car as well. they alrdy got what they wanted

hope nothing important was in the back pack

Edited by ztuned
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had alot of my girlfriends new clothes in there, so she is f*ckin pissed, and so am i after shelling out over $400 for them.

also some uni stuff, books, notes, etc. which REALY sux

they didnt take anything else i had in there, radar detector, cd player, cd file, etc.

so im thinking bloody kids on school holidays jacked up on cough med's and red bull.

now i need to have the car off the road whilst i try getting the window fixed, more money i dont have.

i am so pisssed.

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yeah, start of school holidays got alot of no good punk ass kids around... f**ckers

Try the wreckers for the window... you should be able to get it quite cheap.

Nothing you can do now a days to protect ur car... Alarms, unbreakable tint .. doesnt do a thing.

Hope you get it fixed...

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holy sh*t matt that sucks...

definately about the girlfriend thing as well as i could just imagine exactly how she'd be feeling right now!

i'm sure she understands it wasn't your fault though...

similar to what happened to me a few weeks back (not quite but yeah similar) had my car parked out the front and *BANG* brother in law runs in and tells me my car alarm is ringing off...

we both run outside to see my rear windscreen fully smashed and i did hear a car run off... thing is, two weeks before my brother in law's TME got smashed on the rear door frame by a brick too

you know what, i personally think it's just d*ckheads who think because you have a nice car you've got $$$ to throw around (which the majority of us DON'T) and because they are so narrow minded, think that taking what we cherish from our cars could be easily replaceable and they can (at the same time) enjoy what was rightfully ours...

those lowlives will probably give their manky girlfriends the clothes that were rightfully your girlfriend's etc. etc.


if you have it file a police report and say that it was at your house... if you say it's in public i'm pretty sure insurance won't pay out...

let us know how it goes dude


P.S: have any receipts for what was stolen? could use that as proof of purchase so if you can claim contents they would come in handy


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thanks andrew, yeah i only have 3rd party +fire and theft, should cover this no?

dont have any receipts as i cleaned out my wallet yesterday...long gone.

you are right about people thinking that coz we drive nice cars we wipe our arses with $50 bills, just not like that. i worked my butt of for 2 years to buy my car + mods, my daddy didnt give it to me coz he loves me.

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no sh*t with the daddy comment...

fire and theft should cover it, say something like your car was parkedin your driveway right next to the front door and your girlfriend was over for the night, she was thinking about sleeping over but got a phone call from her folks saying they needed her back so you decided to go drop her off...

get to the car and the car has been smashed and all your belongings etc. have been stolen, reason she had new clothes in the car is because you guys wanted to go somewhere nice for lunch tomorrow and she wanted to wear those clothes out...

also say that you didn't go to the police station straight after you found out because the car would have been there for an hour or two and she needed to be taken home urgently... by the time you got home it was too late and you didn't want to keep driving around with the rear quarter window smashed, tell them that you've only every driven the car since from her place was to see them at the station;

they MIGHT check out the damage if your car is in the police station car park or they might not, no matter what they will give you a report reference number for insurance reasons, then just phone up your insurance company (i assume is Just Cars) and if they have the report number just tell them what's happened and how much contents worth was in your car and just take it from there, i'm not quite sure how much you can claim and what type of claims you can make but just ask them...

'i had this in the car and that in the car'

they should ask you how much those things were worth and it would've helped if you had receipts, i don't know how badly that will work against you though but just run through with the process; Police Station with said story > Insurance with said story AND report # > negotiations with what you can claim

like i said man, let us know how it goes...

i haven't quite been in your situation but with my windscreen one my excess was massive, rear windscreen was quoted $2100 and my excess was $2400+... only because apparently R34 parts are REALLY hard to source, i ended up waiting three weeks to find one for $700 ;)

anyways good luck man!


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hmm pretty sure they dont cover the content in your car, unless it was gauges and stuff that are attached. known ppl with laptops stolen from their cars and even with comprehensive insurance it's not covered. anyways should give it a try claiming it, you never know, thats if ur gonna do it through insurance.

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I feel your pain buddy ... my car got keyed as all the way from back to front and the boot ... nothing i could do about it .. its just

sickens me to the bone to find out that these scumbags are getting away with it .. if i were to catch any i'll chop off their hands for

sure ...

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I once made the mistake of parking my old VL Commodore on the street, this appealed to some heroes on a friday night who decided to throw a wheelie bin onto the roof scratching the paint and leaving a nice dent. My Skyline sleeps behind 7 ft double padlocked gates and I'm still worried about it :thumbsup: . Hope the insurance comes through for you Go 33 !

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The insurance wont go through, depending who your with, but your only 3rd party so I'd say no. The majority of them dont cover stolen "objects" from your car. Dont leave shit hanging around in your car next time

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it sucks that people would do something like that,

have you thought about putting a notice up where you were playing hockey and just let people know that your car was broken into?

third party fire n theft would cover the dammage to your car but not the items inside it.

sometimes the contents can be covered with your house insurance - depending on the level of cover you have, and usually if you are claiming theft you need to file a police report too.

as for proof of purchase you can use bank statements / credit card statements to show what you purchased.

then on the other hand you have to think is it worth paying the excess to claim it... and also loosing a no claim bonus if you have one, because that saves 100's a year.

when i had my skyline the excess was like 2grand with just car insurance (dependant on age, driving experience and the car i drove - i had fully comprehensive)

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i had fully comprehensive

You are fully sick arent you lucy, bro. :)

Unlucky mate, I feel scared that this is going to happen to my own car some day :D

Just imagine catching these scum :D (not that i could do much im a stick insect)

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just had a look at the car now in the day light.....car has been keyed in about 5 places, front bar has been stepped on and cracked, and looks like they took a baseball bat to the tail light area.

ill post pics soon.

i have let the hockey club know and they are putting up notices and looking around the area for my stuff.

i just cant believe how much damage has been done.

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The police wont help, you wont recover your stuff and scum bags use train lines to travel to nice® suburbs to do crime. Some people are jealous assholes who need to be dumped in a shallow grave. Dont let it ruin your world....just checking, but did you piss anyone off this week?

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