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P - Plate Drivers' Night Ban To Curb Toll

Lucy in the Sky

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PROVISIONAL licence holders in Western Australia will be banned from driving between midnight and 5am for the first six months they hold a licence.

West Australian Premier Alan Carpenter said yesterday the restriction was one of four main changes to learner and provisional licences that wouldbe introduced on June 30 to cut the number of inexperienced drivers killed on the state's roads.

"Far too many young people are killed or injured in traffic accidents," Mr Carpenter said.

The night-time restrictions are among the most extreme introduced in Australia.

In NSW and Queensland, first-stage provisional licence holders who are under the age of 25 cannot drive with more than one passenger under the age of 21 between 11pm and 5am.

In Victoria, from July 1, a two-phase provisional licence system will begin with restrictions at alltimes for a year on first-stage holders carrying more than one passenger aged between 16 and 21.

The West Australian changes mean learner drivers must also wait six months before they can move onto the first stage of their provisional licence.

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lol, saw this the other night on the news i think its a great idea ahaha.

doesn't affect me so i really couldn't care.

but on a serious note, i think the 6months to do your phase 2 l's is a good idea, as i know alot of people that just did it in 1-2weeks and ended up losing there licenses or having a smash within the 1st 6months of being on their p's. Maybe it might help.

Also think the ban on late night driving is a good idea

Edited by [Michael]
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^^^^^ 3.

What are the licencing laws over west now?

I got my licence there..lets say a little while back (ok it was over 20yrs ago) and it was so slack. .01 achohol limit and 12mth on P's, then full licence and .08 happy hour time.

Don't tell me w.a is no longer the state of free wheeling outlaws I used to love..where will I retire to now?

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"The West Australian changes mean learner drivers must also wait six months before they can move onto the first stage of their provisional licence."

They had that rule no later than 2005 when I was on L's.

It'd be interesting to know what they base these statistics on though. The amount of crashes caused by drivers who are less than 6 months into there Provisional period? If it is, I highly doubt the percentage would be that great.

All it means is people are going to get more trashed, stay at someones house and attempt sleeping on the floor for 3 hours, and drive home fatigued and hungover after 5am. I've talked to a lot of new P Platers friends and they all said they'd still drive during those hours anyway.

Meh, I'm well over 6 months so doesn't apply for me, just m2c. Just means when they see my P plates it's going to increase the likeliness of me being pulled over between 12am and 5am. :happy:

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^^^^^ 3.

What are the licencing laws over west now?

I got my licence there..lets say a little while back (ok it was over 20yrs ago) and it was so slack. .01 achohol limit and 12mth on P's, then full licence and .08 happy hour time.

Don't tell me w.a is no longer the state of free wheeling outlaws I used to love..where will I retire to now?

lol :happy:

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"The West Australian changes mean learner drivers must also wait six months before they can move onto the first stage of their provisional licence."

They had that rule no later than 2005 when I was on L's.

It'd be interesting to know what they base these statistics on though. The amount of crashes caused by drivers who are less than 6 months into there Provisional period? If it is, I highly doubt the percentage would be that great.

All it means is people are going to get more trashed, stay at someones house and attempt sleeping on the floor for 3 hours, and drive home fatigued and hungover after 5am. I've talked to a lot of new P Platers friends and they all said they'd still drive during those hours anyway.

Meh, I'm well over 6 months so doesn't apply for me, just m2c. Just means when they see my P plates it's going to increase the likeliness of me being pulled over between 12am and 5am. :happy:

If i have not mistaken, it was said on the news that once you have passed the first 6 months, your P's will be blue.. instead of the standard red.. So i guess it will sort of help reduce the chances of getting pulled over

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Even though it doesn't affect me, I still think it is utter bullshit...

Maybe the politicians should start riding push-bikes so they don't rack up speeding fines in cars paid for by the tax payers...

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Curfews are bullshit. This doesn't effect me but it sure would suck if it did. What about people who have moved here and need to work during those hours? I sure hope there's an exception for them.

A small percentage of P platers are crashing because they are either inexperienced, mechanical failure or bad driving attitude (or a mix of all three). This curfew doesn't address any of those issues, it may reduce the P plater crashes caused by driver fatigue but that's all I can see happening. For the most part it is going to be a major unnecessary inconvenience for the much larger proportion of P plate drivers doing the right thing. Those that aren't doing the right thing are still going to be out driving on the roads... just without their P plates displayed.

Anybody know what the other three main changes to learner and provisional licences are? Hopefully they are well thought through and actually help address the problem.

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pphheeww, I just past my my 6th month (as of 4th of June) ;) .

& I usually drive around @ 2 or 3am from bullcreek to Tuart hill after a lan session @ friend's house on Fri or Sat.

If i have not mistaken, it was said on the news that once you have passed the first 6 months, your P's will be blue.. instead of the standard red.. So i guess it will sort of help reduce the chances of getting pulled over

Do I have to go & buy new Plates again... wasting $, the $ for those plates better be tax refundable :)

Are they going to bring the no turbo rule for Ps from the east too?

But I think the 6 month for L rule is good, may be a bit too long (is the new log book 50hr now? I'm still referring to the old 25hr) which took me ~4month to do PROPERLY.

I know too many people with fake log books & got it all done in about a wk or so.

Edited by Mayuri Krab
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But I think the 6 month for L rule is good, may be a bit too long (is the new log book 50hr now? I'm still referring to the old 25hr) which took me ~4month to do PROPERLY.

I know too many people with fake log books & got it all done in about a wk or so.

I did my 25hrs legitimately in 8 days.

Edit: Technically it was 25:31hrs lol.

Edited by s2k12
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I think the new laws are ridiculous.

It's not only P platers that cause a lot of accidents.

Ive only been on my P's for 3 months and this annoys the crap outta me cos I work late and start early some days, which means I'll have to "file for exemption"

& If I have to file for an exemption it's just extra hassle that I don't really want.

It won't change anything

Everyone will take their P's off.

Not hard.

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Dude they're like $2-5 lol.

Thats still $2-$5 of money... ;) ,

& Yes I'm a cheap skate, hence the name Mayuri KRAB.

& if you think thats bad; last time my mum went through picking trash from the garabge bin, when she accidently dropped 50c in there.

"Me gotta make some $, gotta love $, gotta keep the $, gotta not spend the $" = my usual wake up song.

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relax guys

doesnt even come into afffect till next year. So all of you P platers will be safe.

But im laughing at my younger brother!! haha

Lucky ive had my licence for over 4 years now =)

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Yeah, it's still 25 hours.

And the changes come into effect on 30/06/2008, not next year.

Apparently those effected will receive green P plates in the mail. So don't worry bout having to buy another set ;)





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