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P - Plate Drivers' Night Ban To Curb Toll

Lucy in the Sky

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Not necessarily. They interview a lot of people, but through the wonders of technology (editting) they can twist your words to a certain extent. They might just make you all look stupid, so that people are more against you then they were before.

Facts dont matter, the story does.

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Why would they bother doing that?

Haven't they already proved they "hate" P Platers?

What sort of pleasure could they get from twisting around P platers words.

Anyone with half a brain would be able to tell if the story is twisted around.

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You'll be surprised how often they do it. The way they cut it up, won't make you sound like you are agreeing with these laws, but they'll make you sound like you are stupid, crazy, likely to go driving while your drunk, that sort of thing.

We're never seen in the right, so I hardly doubt they'de change now. As far as they're concerned, we're only "stupid kids". You're not even out of school yet, what would you know?

See where I'm coming from?

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They said

"Would you take down your P's to drive around at night"

No-one said yes =P (to the camera)

So I doubt they'd get dirt on us..

We planned it all out.

& then it backfires.

Honestly, they're not that desperate for a story

That they'd go cutting and editing something as minor as this.

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Ratings Princess, ratings. Keep the audience interested. Every story is important for ratings, that's why it is so biased. They give the audience what they want. Of course no one said yes... but what did your body language say about you?

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My body language said I have very good posture =P

What sort of ratings would they get if they agreed with the Government?

Everyone knows the media, Government, whoever supposedly "hates" P Platers.

How would that increase ratings when it's common knowledge?

If anything they'd get more ratings from disagreeing with the Government

Disagreement = Debate.

tsk tsk, think Rhys think.

LMBO Steve =P

Only for 6 months tho.

(Can hear a big disappointed sigh)

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Steve, you admitted yourself you dont go on these big cruises. How would that affect you??

Goverment... or P-Platers. Who would be "better" to disagree with? I'd say P-Platers! They're the ones drinking hi-po cars at breakneck speeds early in the morning while they're drunk.

"Government does something good! Looks at who we're getting off the roads". They agree with the government with the hoon laws, and these are exactly the same - f**king stupid!

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Its possible they will take our side, but I doubt it. Stereotyping is what they're all about! Every modified car enthusiast is a hoon, every P-Plater is going to crash. If they disagree with these rules, people will as well. They will complain, and force (possibly) the government to change them. They don't want that, they've worked so hard to get them here in the first place!

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I know theres a slim possibility of them taking our side.

Even slimmer possibility of the media remaining unbiast for a change.

& just because people disagree doesn't mean they are "forced" to change a law.

Theres heaps of laws and restrictions that the public don't like that are enforced on us,

have they changed it? No.

They like having control over people's lives, give them an illusion of power.

So them being "forced" to change the law is logically correct.

Edited by Ta-rah
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The last thing the government wants is to be unpopular, otherwise we'll vote them out. The next party can see where they went wrong, and change it. I doubt the media is going to want to affect the government that badly! This is in a worse case scenario, but it is possible.

The P-Plater issue is worse then the government issue. They hate us more then they hate them! Talk to an adult without teenage kids (or even with). They'll tell you that they agree with the government rather then the P-Platers. We're almost as hated as learner drivers... almost!!

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They wouldn't get voted out because of something as small as P Plater Laws.

WorkChoices yes, but not this.

There's no way it would become a campaign issue.

& what your saying isn't necessarily true.

I know heaps of adults that don't agree with these new laws.

Because, in essence, they won't achieve much.

There's too much emphasis on the quantity of driving during your L's

Not the quality.

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Of course they wont achieve much, they have only been put in place to make it look like they are doing something. That's the problem. Same as the hoon laws, yet the media agrees with the government there. Why? Cos it'd be too hard to convince EVERYONE, including the government, that we are decent people. Nah, they're rather replay the same shot of a yellow R34 doing a donut, which I first saw about 4 years ago!!

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Less P platers on cruises. Bonus.

hahahaha... nice nice.

Lol - if that was a reply to me, you don't understand. Even if he does pass, he's too late and will have the 6 month wait unfortunately.

Really? HAHA.. in that case he is really screwed ~ ! Missing out by one day as well =/.

Ah well, makes me glad i got my licence and off P's =)

But u guys got my sympathy.

hehe :)

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