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Some1 Keyed My Car!


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Yeah you heard right, not even 3 days after getting my car back fromt paint, IT GETS KEYED!!! All down the drivers side, so oviously there after my attention. This happened last night in between the hours of 2am and 10am.i was awake all the way up untill 2am and woke up again at 10am annd went outside to check on my car at 10am, and there is was, key marks all down the right hand side. Well the nextours i balled my eyes out.. im so not happy! and i cant belive some one would do this! IM NOT MADE OF FRIKKEN MONEY!!! I live At my Boyfriends in Balga, and ive never EVER had a problem up untill now... If any one has heard, or seen of anything please pm me. I want to break the C**ts fingers and burn his house!!!!! This person will be a saint after im done with them!

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Yeah you heard right, not even 3 days after getting my car back fromt paint, IT GETS KEYED!!! All down the drivers side, so oviously there after my attention. This happened last night in between the hours of 2am and 10am.i was awake all the way up untill 2am and woke up again at 10am annd went outside to check on my car at 10am, and there is was, key marks all down the right hand side. Well the nextours i balled my eyes out.. im so not happy! and i cant belive some one would do this! IM NOT MADE OF FRIKKEN MONEY!!! I live At my Boyfriends in Balga, and ive never EVER had a problem up untill now... If any one has heard, or seen of anything please pm me. I want to break the C**ts fingers and burn his house!!!!! This person will be a saint after im done with them!

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Thats fu(ked..

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the scratches under the door handle look like someone tried to brake in, my car had the lock smashed in right out the front of my house from some one trying to get in with a screw driver or something

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Just come back from the police station... Some actualy had tried to break into the car, we got there finger prints... guess all we gotta do now is play the waiting game... i doubt anyone will be cawt... i still cant belive this has happened :laugh:

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my car has been keyed so many times and my bro scratched it against the garage wall, so i decided to never paint it again =/ i cant bear painting it and seeing it get scratch, sorry to hear..

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Dont worry, if i catch them, They will have smashed in teeth, broken limps, a burnt house, and if they have a car, i will burn it with them in it! and i will enjoy there scream's for help!!!

I cant belive it, just come back from my painters house, Its going to be IMPOSSIBLE to touch up, coz of the red pearl and flake... i hate this so much coz its 3 weeks untill Autosalon, and 3 days since i just got the car back, and this is the 1st night ive actualy been back to balga to stay the night!!! These people are low, and i hope they get cancer and die!

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sorry to hear the news thats some real F@#$d up luck.. some ppl are so gutless =( can they touch up in small spots with black to make it not so obvious and costly until the panels can be resprayed properly?

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