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Car Being Cased?


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So far I havn't seen them again, then again the car has been garaged every day since with the garage door padlocked and disconnected from power at night. I have to start parking it up the side of my house again as we now have 4 cars though so I'll be watching for them again.

Also I switched my insurance, saved $150 per year and my excess is $1250 instead of 3 grand if its stolen, with the cars value upped to 8.5 grand:P

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first when ur at home dont leave ur car keys in the kitchen put them sum were safe so that if they brake in 4 the keys they cant find them.

second disconnect the ignition and hide the plugs between the fire wall and the engine

third get a secondhand +65 pound compound bow with hunting arrows so if they try anything u can fu*k them up. :P

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^^ a Boss from my old job was an ex-bikie ... he had all the lights off watching TV, watched a guy break in through a window, and then realized he was being watched....chased the guy down the street with a bow + arrow he "just happened to have laying around" ... got 75 metres down the street and remembered he was naked (this guy was about 6ft tall x 2.5-3ft wide )... and at 6:30 PM, a few people are still out.

Do that.

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What you need to do is stock up on the alcohol....

buy a baseball bat.. balaclava...

When they rock up Belt them senseless. cover them in alcohol. call cops saying you have just witnessed a drunken fight in your street.

then let the cops handle it.

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I do believe you can buy some pretty decent video surveillance gear from most electronic stores. They hook up to a video or your pc and some have nightvision capabilities and are activated by movement..Maybe worthwhile looking into seeing if you can buy a locking wheelbrace as well. Maybe come up with a few inventions as well. I have heard of a set up where brake and clutch pedal lock into place and cannot be pressed.I have also seen one where a steel rod slides through the centre console stopping gearshift from moving out of gear....some ideas

Edited by GTR-32U
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:mage: video surveilance works... but is fairly costly... especially if you never catch them

after recent attacks via a brick on 4 occasions (on my own car) i tried what i have just suggested :P .....

all i can say is it works :)

Edited by SeanO
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:mage: video surveilance works... but is fairly costly... especially if you never catch them

after recent attacks via a brick on 4 occasions (on my own car) i tried what i have just suggested :P .....

all i can say is it works :)

Yeah but I'm only 55kg so if 5 110kg+ guys rock up to take my car I wouldnt favour my odds in a fight even with a baseball bat lol

I have got better insurance, always park the car as far up as I can fairly out of view and have also installed a little something to make it harder to start for a thief. I've taken every precaution I can without costing myself a wad of cash, if this isn't enough to protect my car then I guess I'll be back on the market looking for a nice 32 gtst

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first when ur at home dont leave ur car keys in the kitchen put them sum were safe so that if they brake in 4 the keys they cant find them.

that is a really bad idea.

id rather they steal my car than come into my/my families bed room to stab me while looking for my keys.

u can get a key ring that has a clip on it, leave ur immob seperate to ur keys, leave ur keys in the middle of the kitchen table n the immob in ur room then when they go to open ur door the alarm goes off

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if there going to get into your car.. you may as well let them take it.. as previously said if your going to let them take it. install a gps tracking device. and then just rock up to whereever the car happens to be the next day with your spare keys (always good to have). then drive off in it :wub: can you imagine the look on there face when they have spent all night trying to steal the car only for you to rock up the next morning and drive off with it. (then change keys + locks alarm). besides im sure there are enough members here that have this sort of thing happen to them that would be glad to help out in such occasion

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that is a really bad idea.

id rather they steal my car than come into my/my families bed room to stab me while looking for my keys.

u can get a key ring that has a clip on it, leave ur immob seperate to ur keys, leave ur keys in the middle of the kitchen table n the immob in ur room then when they go to open ur door the alarm goes off

good point but if ur like me they have to get through my front door (setting off the alarm) then look 4 the keys (setting of another sensor = automatic call 2 police)

and then they would have to go up stairs to get me by this time i would be awake with a bow and arrow (i would probs be shitting my self at this point but i will be ready)

but any way nobody would brake in 4 a car and then kill 2 get the keys. this would not happen 4 a 50k car let alone a stock skyline worth 10k

grrrrrrrr i will eat the ass :D

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Dont be too sure of the alarm going off....

when i was visited by a few spirited people....

my car stereo was taken.. ( my car alarm did not go off )

the 52 inch plasma... walked out the door ( it takes a few people to lift )

this was about 2 yrs ago.. it does make you think twice about effective methods.

mind you they cut some wires which they needed for the tv and had been seen laying the tv down in there ute(stolen) by a neighbour

so they would have got back to whichever rock they crawled out from to notice the tv had no sound or picture :D. Did i say karma..

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I do believe you can buy some pretty decent video surveillance gear from most electronic stores. They hook up to a video or your pc and some have nightvision capabilities and are activated by movement..Maybe worthwhile looking into seeing if you can buy a locking wheelbrace as well. Maybe come up with a few inventions as well. I have heard of a set up where brake and clutch pedal lock into place and cannot be pressed.I have also seen one where a steel rod slides through the centre console stopping gearshift from moving out of gear....some ideas

You can set up two waterproof outdoor cameras into a PC for about $450 if you already have a PC for it, otherwise building a cheap PC for a camera server is only a few hundred dollar excercise. You can use up to four cameras per card and most software lets you run up to four cards (it's the capture cards that come with the software).

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how bout setting up a flame thrower system?? get a few injectors and a rail, slap it into the bush/driveway/path/wherever and a fuel pump with say a catch can with the fuel supply, a spark plug and a coil, activated by a switch sumwhere in the house, ever seen a Maori on fire?? i havent :thumbsup: you could be the first though! thatll make them think twice about taking your 'line

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