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Sauwa Dyno Day @ Autoworx


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From a technical perspective:

Dyno is SAE compensated for ambient temperature, current temperature (used to be called intake temperature), humidity and atmospheric pressure.

This means that on any given day, a normally aspirated car will record the same horsepower.

What is not understood by many is that the way turbocharged cars react to heat and cannot be quantified or corrected.

Everyone knows how flat their cars feel on hot days.

Pneumatic and non closed loop electronic boost controllers cannot correct for ambient changes.

Far from ideal temperature compensations in the engine management strategies, so you see excessive timing retard and fuel correction, and there wasn't a car there today that had fuel delivery temperature measurement/compensation.

The dyno is only a comparitive measuring tool. It has given relevant information about the cars tested on the day, compared to each other, on the day, not last month, or another dyno at another time.

The Autoworx facility was the most recently installed and calibrated machine in WA, so I highly doubt it reads wrong, low or whatever, but suspect that many of the cars are victim of nothing more than the classic old turbo's and heat drama.

But all in all, thanks to all for the turnout. Was good to see some of the old faces, and so many new ones.

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The dyno is only a comparitive measuring tool. It has given relevant information about the cars tested on the day, compared to each other, on the day, not last month, or another dyno at another time.

The Autoworx facility was the most recently installed and calibrated machine in WA, so I highly doubt it reads wrong, low or whatever, but suspect that many of the cars are victim of nothing more than the classic old turbo's and heat drama.

We not worried about what it made on rollers , back to back 10s few weeks earlier on 30+ degree day is all that matters to us :)

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Results are in :)

Esemte - Galant VR4 - 211.0awhp

Ten Four - BMW 540i - 200.0rwhp

Shonky - S15 - 234.0rwhp

Shonky - Stagea - 146.5awhp

Hanaldo - R34 GT - 138.6rwhp

Heller44 - R32 GTS4 - 281.2awhp

Gersfan - R33 GTR - 245.1awhp

Pal - R33 GTS-t - 268rwhp

Renegade88 - R32 GTS-t - 261.7rwhp

Hank Scorpio - R34 GTT - 188.2rwhp

Ossie21 - R33 GTS-t - 352.3rwhp

BoostBoy - R33 GTS-t - 336.0rwhp

3BEPKA - R33 GTS-t - 428.4rwhp - Winner of 2.5L

Sidewaysam - R32 GTS-t -337.6rwhp

Mr Gazza - 350Z - 228.4rwhp

Bubba - Stagea - 222.0awhp

Mikey - R32 GTS4 - 436.6awhp

Skitzyrex - WRX - 214.1awhp

Nizmo - 350Z -217.6rwhp

Leee - F6 Typhoon - 283.1rwhp

NAGoodness - R33 GTS-t - 258rwhp

Levi - R33 GTS-t - 236.5rwhp

Stormtrooper - R33 GTS-t - 314.7rwhp

Steve - Hilux - 185.2rwhp

Bart - R32 GTR - 539.4rwhp - Winner of 2.6L and Outright

Gav - R32 GTR - 488.5rwhp

BrockAC - VN Commodore - 387.4rwhp - Winner of NA

If you believe there are any errors then please PM me.

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Thank you to Paul and all the guys at Autoworx for getting us on the dyno nice and early!

Much appreciated - made the family lunch right on time!

The result of the Stagea really did surprise me , and made me a Sad Panda too :)

Oh well least I know HOW rich its running. I am surprised we didnt all feel like a little sleep after her run.

the Silvia went about as I would have expected.

At least Loretta now knows there is a LOT of improvement to be made in her car without even changing anything ( other than the ECU or getting a piggyback )

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I'm blaming the Haltech pulling uber timing due to the heat :) 220awhp my ass :)

But at least I know now exactly how shit the tune is :) on the plus side.. it wasn't lean anywhere so I wound some more boost into it on the way home :)

Cheers for having us!!

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To be honest, with the exception of the Hilux, most cars there definately had conservative tunes with there fueling, and there wasn't any pinging even on such a hot day. Most of the cars with ECU's would have had the timing well and truly retarded, which would account for much of the power loss.

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Yeah I'm pretty sure everyone understands it's a tuning tool above everything else, though you can see the power loss throughout the cars is pretty even :) ~300hp cars are mid 200's, ~400hp cars are in the 300's, 2 very noticeable differences was Bart's GTR & Mikey's GTS-4, down about 150hp on what they have done on other days. There's always a downside to lovely pool & beer weather :)

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Yeah I'm pretty sure everyone understands it's a tuning tool above everything else, though you can see the power loss throughout the cars is pretty even :) ~300hp cars are mid 200's, ~400hp cars are in the 300's, 2 very noticeable differences was Bart's GTR & Mikey's GTS-4, down about 150hp on what they have done on other days. There's always a downside to lovely pool & beer weather :)

Advan Performance 680hp

Hyperdrive 633hp .. 702hp with 109 n timing in

Autoworx 519hp

As i said already the 10second passes on a 30+ degree day is more rewarding :):):)

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Bubba tell me more ! what motor you got in the Stagea? The Rb25DET Neo ?

so you were running AWD too yeah?

Yeah 25 Neo and yeah was in awd, got an unknown hiflow on it and was running 12-13psi yesterday. Got the old 550cc injectors out of my skyline to go in when I've got the cash for a tune, then I'll wind the boost up to 18-19psi and see how it goes.

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aah.. I dont feel so bad then !

fark I couldnt beleive it when I saw the power ( or lack there of ) , trying to convince her to get some form of aftermarket ECU,

I am no Math Wizz but I am pretty sure that the ECU would pay for itsefl in not too long if she is guzzling that much fuel

Yeah 25 Neo and yeah was in awd, got an unknown hiflow on it and was running 12-13psi yesterday. Got the old 550cc injectors out of my skyline to go in when I've got the cash for a tune, then I'll wind the boost up to 18-19psi and see how it goes.
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Sean, PM replied mate :thumbsup:

*sigh* while im not really too worried about power in this car, im not happy with 138 at all :D I could have sworn it would make at least 150, maybe 160... Perhaps time to seriously consider bolting on the turbo

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To be honest, with the exception of the Hilux, most cars there definately had conservative tunes with there fueling, and there wasn't any pinging even on such a hot day. Most of the cars with ECU's would have had the timing well and truly retarded, which would account for much of the power loss.

Good point and I actually see this as testament to how the aftermarket scene has matured in Perth. There is tuning from at least half a dozen workshops represented yesterday and as Paul says AF ratios and knock levels were in the majority of cases very good.

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Sean, PM replied mate :)

*sigh* while im not really too worried about power in this car, im not happy with 138 at all :D I could have sworn it would make at least 150, maybe 160... Perhaps time to seriously consider bolting on the turbo

+/- 12 HP is less than the error range of the dyno. :D

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My car made 252rwhp on Hyperdrive's dyno, at the Silvia WA dyno day,3 weeks ago. All I did was replace the restrictive stock intake pipe with a 3" bend. Same boost.

On sunday my car ran 261rwhp with that hot weather. So I am not complaining.

Must be the Wolf V500 ecu I have :)

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