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Po Po's And Their Power Trips...

Bourbon Boy

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i have been targeted due to some family in the past not being 100% wholesome

since i was a teen - this is harrasment

i dont represent my relatives im an individual

i have had mostly negative experiances with cops

It's been proven, time and time again, that 98% of the time, monkey see, monkey do.

Why do you think most "areas" end up with a certain attitude of people? Because as kids grow up in that environment, they see it as normal behaviour to do as others.

with the 60000000000000 police shows the media the papers the internet etc has made it quite clear for decades what its all about

there not held captive by the police force and can move into the private sector

they could do loss prevention at k-mart

And when they've all given up, looking after your sorry ass, and every second night your house is broken into, your mothers raped and your fathers face smashed in, who will you then turn to?

What you see on those police shows is NOTHING compared to what really happens.

Could you even for the life of you, imagine what it would be like, being the officer who gets called out to a house because something doesn't seem right, to open the front door, and find a person has died 2 weeks ago and has been decaying since? Just that SMELL alone will haunt you for life.

Grow up Das Kamu, because you, and everyone else knows, when the shit hits the fan, you'll go crying to the coppers for help.

Secondly, your comments in this thread, and the other thread, show you know NOTHING of the police force and their procedures and what you have to do to get to different sectors of the police force.

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I dont think the police are hard enough on some people, now days people think they can get away with being fools because they cry havoc when the police arrive, imature babies with a chip on their shoulders need a good bashing.

My mates a cop and he has been spat on, punched, threatened with knives (this guy is a good honest bloke who is trying to make a difference) but idiots think they are tough and cause trouble when in groups or on drugs, these same idiots cry like babies when you take it to them.

The police stop junkies from robbing your wife, stop peados from getting your kids, and stop fools from killing people on the roads with their cars.

I say good work coppers and keep up the good work.

If you are causing trouble you deserve a good hard flogging.

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No one LIKES being fined or defected, but someone has to enforce the law - but it is only one part of the HWP's job - they are also involved in attending car crashes, murders, robberies etc etc.Personally, I wouldn't do what Police officers do for ANY amount of money.

Before anyone spouts anymore immature rubbish, have a long, hard think about what daily life is like for a police officer on the job.

Btw, its NSW Police SERVICE - and has been so named for quite a while :)

My 2.2 cents.

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It's been proven, time and time again, that 98% of the time, monkey see, monkey do.

Why do you think most "areas" end up with a certain attitude of people? Because as kids grow up in that environment, they see it as normal behaviour to do as others.

And when they've all given up, looking after your sorry ass, and every second night your house is broken into, your mothers raped and your fathers face smashed in, who will you then turn to?

What you see on those police shows is NOTHING compared to what really happens.

Could you even for the life of you, imagine what it would be like, being the officer who gets called out to a house because something doesn't seem right, to open the front door, and find a person has died 2 weeks ago and has been decaying since? Just that SMELL alone will haunt you for life.

Grow up Das Kamu, because you, and everyone else knows, when the shit hits the fan, you'll go crying to the coppers for help.

Secondly, your comments in this thread, and the other thread, show you know NOTHING of the police force and their procedures and what you have to do to get to different sectors of the police force.

dont miss the chance to shut it

go and join the police yourself

we cant choose our family

and with an attitude like yours ill be surprised if you have any friends or family who would talk to your self righteious whining ass

go and listen to placebo and have a smoke

my gripe is with hway so before you go and cry tears of ham peices take a look at your self and say f**k.....................im a ham

Edited by DAS KAMU
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I dont think the police are hard enough on some people, now days people think they can get away with being fools because they cry havoc when the police arrive, imature babies with a chip on their shoulders need a good bashing.

My mates a cop and he has been spat on, punched, threatened with knives (this guy is a good honest bloke who is trying to make a difference) but idiots think they are tough and cause trouble when in groups or on drugs, these same idiots cry like babies when you take it to them.

The police stop junkies from robbing your wife, stop peados from getting your kids, and stop fools from killing people on the roads with their cars.

I say good work coppers and keep up the good work.

If you are causing trouble you deserve a good hard flogging.

this i agree with 10000000000%

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Grow up Das Kamu, because you, and everyone else knows, when the shit hits the fan, you'll go crying to the coppers for help.

Secondly, your comments in this thread, and the other thread, show you know NOTHING of the police force and their procedures and what you have to do to get to different sectors of the police force.

and i didnt post that so get it right you milkshake

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Sure cops have to deal with a lot of unsavoury people and see and do a lot of things that a lot of us wouldn't want to deal with, and have to deliver bad news to families about their loved ones, but that doesn't mean it's ok to treat innocent people like scum just because of what somebody else did. Nurses paramedics and doctors deal with grief death and even the same mongrels the police deal with but would they take it out on the next patient who comes in, or do they remember why they are there and treat the next patient with the dignity and respect they deserve. It's called professional conduct. We're all human beings and we all have lives to live and we all have to deal with our own personal gief. Why do some cops aggravate people for trivial little things. Sure do your job, but don't be on a power trip. If you can't come down to earth and get real you're in the wrong job. No parent likes to see their kids get picked on for nothing.

One thing I will say again is that even some of the police I've spoken to in the last few days agree they have an element amongst them that give them all a bad name.

A policeman has great power, but with great power comes great responsibility. I want my kid to be able to look up to and respect police, not despise them because he's been harrassed, just because he's young and in the wrong place at the wrong time. My wife told a friend about what happened to our son, and she told us to tell our son to not hang around Gawler because the cops there are real cops. That's not bad considering her partner is a cop, and we know him as well because they used to come around our place regularly. So my wife and I aren't cop haters, we just don't like a certain element that are not professional and thrive on making others lives miserable, just because they can. Also I haven't been defected for something like 35 years but I bet you my sons car is more roadworthy than a couple of my current clunkers, especially now we've done a bit more work on it. But I'm sure if he's in the wrong place at the wrong time again he'll get pulled over in his stock Camira and given the treatment simply because he's a young p plater.

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I think a few people here like NISMO for instance give cops to much credit.

Quite a few times I and others I know have needed the assistance of police in non motoring situations, some of these were potentially life and death. They included minor assaults, serious assaults and being threatend at knifepoint by mentally disturbed druggo, among others.

In some of these (including the knife one) you could count the police response in DAYS not minutes. In most cases the police did nothing but show up extremely late and do NOTHING.

How long does it take to be fined for doing 65 in a 60 zone rolling down a hill on a 4 lane road separeted by a large median strip that no one can see why It's not an 80 zone. Or for daring to do something as dangerous as having a pod filter and so on and so on

Sure there are a few cops around with common sense that do a good job. I have been given leniency a handful of times for very minor infringements but it is far outweighed by the number of times I've seen cops plainly abusing their powers.

Policing is a business with the sole goal being to make money for the government.

Is the number one most dangerous thing threatening todays society speeding by less than 15km/h on straight open sections of road with no accident history? Because this is where the majority of our police are.

If you are ever in serious need of police assistance I would recommend you not call them but instead take your modified car out front and start doing burnouts, you will get a much faster response.

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AHh another cop bashing thread.

Like i have said before its society that is the problem. Sure its terrible when a police officer dies but when we have a week of front page news about the poor death of an officer and we close off the CBD for a procession, it truley shows how shallow minded Australians really are. In China 20,000 die in a mud slide and we see this news between the sports and the weather. People need to put things in perspective. Cops are there to enforce the law but when they start doing arrogant shit and enforce/prioritize 15km speeding over the limit to a assult charge (which does happen) then people get pissed off. Abusive power and if you question them and what they are doing they give you full force of the law "because they feel like it".

And screw the cop who used a taser and killed the st george supporter with the taser. Tazer's are a replacment for guns. You would use the tazer in any situation you use a gun. An unmanned man refusing to cooperate is not a situation to use a taser.

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And screw the cop who used a taser and killed the st george supporter with the taser. Tazer's are a replacment for guns. You would use the tazer in any situation you use a gun. An unmanned man refusing to cooperate is not a situation to use a taser.

Taser wasn't used on that guy. Was used on his brother. He got capsicum'd and baton'd around the legs; CCTV has confirmed this.

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didnt this go too far! lol

anyhoo - with any job, any company, any service, you will get good people at their job and shithouse people who dont know how they they still keep their job

its a fact of life - its in our australian society!

if everyone just treated everyone like how they wanted to be treated it'll be great..but that would be too esasy wouldnt it...

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Basically every person who cries "They treated me poorly" after some digging, we find out they gave the copper shit, were abusive and uncooperative.

98% of the time this is absolutely the case. Very rarely you catch a bad egg or someone on a bad day but the vast majority of people who come on a forum and piss and moan about it have done the wrong thing themselves.

Take the original subject of this thread for instance - the chick and her mum have gone to the media with the "woe is me" story, "I only took my seatbelt off to put the ticket in the machine". The REAL story is that she drove to the shopping centre without a belt on. On forums you only hear the side that suits the person telling it.

as ive said i have had pleanty of meetings with hwy and unmarked over the years - mostly positive
i have had mostly negative experiances with cops

So are you contradicting yourself there or is it only the regular cops you don't get along with? Hard to believe that they all start out as flamin mongrels and then graduate into nice people once they get highway/undercover.. don't you think?

(I love the word censor... LOL)

my gripe is with hway so before you go and cry tears of ham peices take a look at your self and say f**k.....................im a ham

oh wait now you've really contradicted yourself. your argument is completely invalid, kthxbye

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AHh another cop bashing thread.

Like i have said before its society that is the problem. Sure its terrible when a police officer dies but when we have a week of front page news about the poor death of an officer and we close off the CBD for a procession, it truley shows how shallow minded Australians really are. In China 20,000 die in a mud slide and we see this news between the sports and the weather. People need to put things in perspective. Cops are there to enforce the law but when they start doing arrogant shit and enforce/prioritize 15km speeding over the limit to a assult charge (which does happen) then people get pissed off. Abusive power and if you question them and what they are doing they give you full force of the law "because they feel like it".

And screw the cop who used a taser and killed the st george supporter with the taser. Tazer's are a replacment for guns. You would use the tazer in any situation you use a gun. An unmanned man refusing to cooperate is not a situation to use a taser.

fark me, are you serious??

Police "enforcing" the law is now abusing their power is it?

As for prioritising, please please show me where a constable who is on duty CHOOSES what offences they'll concentrate on today.

If you have a problem with police concentrating on speeding, then go to your farken government! This is not a choice the police force makes.

Are people seriously that farken deluded that they think what you've said above in the bold is the work of police officers?

I'm honestly amazed at some of the comments on here.

Get off the "Yeah bro,f**k Da Police" bandwagon for a second and think what it would be like without the police doing what they do. Actually don't think about it, if you prefer it, go live in a great, civil, safe city like Rio. Or maybe you prefer South Central LA from the mid-90's?

As for why we have a procession, its because that same officer gave his life protecting the ungrateful knobs of this country.

I'm under no illusions that there officers out there who abuse their power, but I also firmly believe that if you're a law obiding citizen than 99% of the time you'll never have any issues.

People saying sh!t like whiy pick on pod filters when their murders to deal with really shit me to tears.

YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW, by having a pod filter. ITS FARKEN SIMPLE. I got no problem with people having them, hell I've had them on most of my cars, but if i get defected for it, I'm not going to have a whinge on a forum knowing I BROKE THE LAW.

Anyway, I'm done.

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As for those of you botching about police gettin people for speeding on a straight section of road with nothing unsafe about it, funny statistic but 9 out of 10 crashes on highways occurs on a straight section of road.

Das Kamu, I have a good group of friends, you know what's really good about them? They're all straight shooters who don't cry poor me.

To the guy who's son got defected, at that time of night hwy will be on patrol looking for individuals and they'll do check ups, I've been in numerous situations like your sons, had a friendly chat with them, and they leave, on another night I've been out, seen the same copper ask the same stuff to some dip shits they were dicks back, he proceeded to hand them their ass in defects.

Think when you were younger and something got you in shit, I bet you never told your parents exactly how it went down, you modified the story slightly to suit you better... Just like your son would have done to you. Just as the p plater would have done to her parents.

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I'm under no illusions that there officers out there who abuse their power, but I also firmly believe that if you're a law obiding citizen than 99% of the time you'll never have any issues.

I believe this quote from NISMO sums it up pretty well.

And we should all agree that the police force is acting on orders and told to enforce the laws. They themselves(in general) are not happy about some of their guidelines, but if they all came in from their shift with no defects or infringement notices they'd be told they aren't doing their job properly. We know that a lot of it is revenue raising especially when our SA treasurer, the Honourable Kevin Foley, has outlined his methods for making up the budget shortfall, and one of them is to raise the penalty for speeding offences. He told us in his budget speech to consider it a voluntary donation. (What a privilege and absolute honour to be able to take that opportunity should we decide to accept!)

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98% of the time this is absolutely the case. Very rarely you catch a bad egg or someone on a bad day but the vast majority of people who come on a forum and piss and moan about it have done the wrong thing themselves.

Take the original subject of this thread for instance - the chick and her mum have gone to the media with the "woe is me" story, "I only took my seatbelt off to put the ticket in the machine". The REAL story is that she drove to the shopping centre without a belt on. On forums you only hear the side that suits the person telling it.

So are you contradicting yourself there or is it only the regular cops you don't get along with? Hard to believe that they all start out as flamin mongrels and then graduate into nice people once they get highway/undercover.. don't you think?

(I love the word censor... LOL)

oh wait now you've really contradicted yourself. your argument is completely invalid, kthxbye

regular and higway are different i do beleive

you should be a detective - your pretty ace at it


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