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Up comming events for Perth Skyline Crew...


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Hi ya all I hope every one is happy with their lines (well most of us anyway :)).

Myself and Micko enjoyed our last cruise... and we bound off few idea each other so let's hear what you think (really I dotn give $hit what you all think,but as Cruise nazi I guess Ihave to let you know few things will be happening)


1. CV Radios... I am sure there are people out there who wants them for them selves... and also they are very handy on Cruise. I think Micko is getting up all the infomaions for Perth people, my guess is it will be cost around $70 mark so It would be nice investments for us all.

2. Mc-Motor sports day, I already have set the date, if you are in then Good luck! we wanna see some action that day! if you havnt paid yet please do so.

3.Down south trip over night, well I always wanted to do long trip down south eg, margaret river or bussellton etc. we will stop at the few small towns on the way etc. Hire out one of the motel or house for over night to stay, it would be during the oen of loong weekends holiday next month...etc

4.Stickers... well we are trying to set up and going our own design of Skyline Australia Stickers, if you are or know some one works in signing industry then please let us know... we love to hear about it!

5. Skylines Australia Perth division Car club... are we setting up car club? we need member and non-member... it's just few things we need to set up as group... get president or vice-presidnet etc..etc. we have been around perth long time but we still havt set up officialy so we need few things done on this thing too... I am sure everyone would like to poke their stick on presidency of skyline club WA.

6.Bathust V8 pub/screening day. we had big turn out this day...we love to see holden and ford fighting over each other..:D we had blast last year...I think we will have anothe one this year this is just sunday morning breakfast included $20 and watch race all day! I think brett can give us infomation... Please confirm this for me Brett?

Perth Cruise Nazi E-mail here

if you have anymore ideas/ concerns please let us know and any idea will be considered



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Joe i got all the info required for us forming a club, might have to double check somethings.

The thing is we have to decide want we want from a club. if we want public liability insurance, do we want to run track days, do we want to be free or pay for membership etc, etc.

Just so poeple know with the payed membership you'll be looking at $70-80 the first year which includes your members pack (sticker, t-shirt, member card) and $45-50 every year after that if you wish to stay a member. this of course will be less if theres more people who want to join.

The price is to cover the insurance and admin costs, aswell as auditer fee. An incorperated club/association must be audited once a year by a registered tax auditor and they don't come cheap.

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That'd be cool. I'm willing to pay that amount of money to see a club set up.

Also, UHF radios are good for cruises. No fee for talking (unlike mobile) and they work within a 3km range I think. You can get them from Tandy for like $80.

P.S. - I may be able to get cheaper rates for auditing as I have a few mates that do that.

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i garantee Micko can get a better deal :):uh-huh:

well we're going to have to have a social gather sometime to sort some things out. we need a minimum of 10 interested parties to start with (this gets the above prices) hash out what direction we want to go etc. Problem is i work shifts and i'm all over the place atm.

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For the trip down south.. Just an idear came into my head about accomidation.. depends how far down south you wanna go...

I have a very good friend who lives on nanarup beach 20 min out of albany. Hes got a massive property and i'd have to ask but hes like a father to me and loves to party so i doubt the awnser will be no.. but depending on numbers.. bring a tent.. and camp the night.

Otherwise.. There are heaps of places down that way to stay.. Troy and i stayed in a on site van when we went to albany.. $30/night.

Its a beautiful drive though margret river, pemberton, and that way.


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As I have said before I am 100% for the club thing, but I think gauging support is essential and for anyone wanting input a meet to thrash out a direction for the club is a bloody good idea.

Hows everyone for a bit of a Sunday Session at the Newport on the 29th (same day as the MC day but at night...obviously)? My Bro-inlaws' band has their CD launch happening that night so with it being a long weekend and all it could be a good chance to meet over a few drinks on a casual basis?



P.S. The band is called "Superscope" and they'll be supporting the Vines on the 20th of this month at the globe, so if you like the Vines and want to support some local lads get on down to the Globe Friday the 20th...........end plug :)

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Im up for the club, that kind of money sounds like something not too hard to come up with.

The CB's are a great idea, and they work well too, i already have one in my installed in my car, its not handheld, but it listens to cops aswell, so thats one good thing, i will find out what prices i can buy some for, cause thats what kind of work i do.

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Ok then when are we gonna meet so we can get the ball rolling?

As i mentioned before about weekend trip My old man manages a caravan park that has 6 birth cottages there are fantastic! and cheap going thru me :-)

Theres nothing like going thru busso and dunnyboro in spring

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I dont really think it has to be a "long" weekend as we can head down saturday morning as a group


Cruise/site see

Piss up back at cottages :-)

Stay saturday night

Breakfast in dunsborough or wherever

hoon around until after lunch.

regroup and head back to perth in arvo

Its not that big a trip but its a good run :-)

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Originally posted by macka

I dont really think it has to be a "long" weekend as we can head down saturday morning as a group


Cruise/site see

Piss up back at cottages :-)

Stay saturday night

Breakfast in dunsborough or wherever

hoon around until after lunch.

regroup and head back to perth in arvo

Its not that big a trip but its a good run :-)

Sounds Macktacular. Im Keen.

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