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short sprints, broad jumps and (if you can get hold of one) medicine ball throws... I go into my driveway and shoot baskets, do jumps, sprints etc... just for 30min or so

throw in some KB swings, plyo push ups etc... all the cardio you'll ever need;)

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Oh also for a complete flip of shit, I topped 4500 calories on Friday. lol. I don't know how many skinny mate can whinge about how hard it is to gain weight because it's impossible to eat enough. Lazy f**ker.

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It only becomes slightly tricky to eat a shit ton of cals if you do it on a daily basis. Also if you keep your diet clean, and balanced.

Anyone can binge on the odd day :closedeyes: .

Lol i'm not complaining though, I just eat healthily now.

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It only becomes slightly tricky to eat a shit ton of cals if you do it on a daily basis. Also if you keep your diet clean, and balanced.

Anyone can binge on the odd day :closedeyes: .

Lol i'm not complaining though, I just eat healthily now.

I'd say it was relatively clean lol...here's what I ate for the day - however I missed out on recording 2 smaller bowls of cereal I had late in the evening hence why there's only 4000 calories showing here.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So I change my mind more than a freshly-18 year old girl getting ready for a night on the town....even though it was almost certainly all water, I couldn't stand seeing myself looking like bloated shit after only a couple of weeks eating whatever I wanted. As of today I'm back to my retarded healthy diet (egg whites, short cut bacon, chicken, and veggies) at least until I'm back to where I was and happy with appearance again, then I'll just increase the volume of food to about 2500cal per day and hopefully start making slow gains again.

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Oh I remember your story lol, which is why I'm ensuring to keep my fat intake up where it should be (supplementing olive oil and/or peanut butter lol).

I give it 2 weeks and I'll have dropped all the water I'm holding from the excessive carbs I ate with no regard. As soon as I'm back to being happy that I'm not bloated, I'll strategically raise cals.

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Actually to back your story up, I've got a mate who's done the exact same thing to himself (though not nearly as badly). He competes in amateur BB here in Canberra and doesn't do too badly, though instead of just context prepping and dropping bodyfat for a short time, he lifestyle'd it....now his natural T production has eaten shit, puts on heaps of visceral fat making him look pregnant while still maintaining striated quads :S

He's trying to convince his doc to put him onto TRT as he's already tried everything (legal) himself...however given the nature of his occupation (runs a supp store, knows people), should his doc decide against it then he'll likely do it himself.

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Can you please explain what this means for me? :)

Can't explain, only going from what I've been told repeatedly from a few sources. Something to do with carbs assisting with/causing water retention. Apparently wheat flour (breads, lots of cereals, etc) is one of the biggest offenders.

Even if it's broscience, it's held true on 3 occasions now for me.

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Actually to back your story up, I've got a mate who's done the exact same thing to himself (though not nearly as badly). He competes in amateur BB here in Canberra and doesn't do too badly, though instead of just context prepping and dropping bodyfat for a short time, he lifestyle'd it....now his natural T production has eaten shit, puts on heaps of visceral fat making him look pregnant while still maintaining striated quads :S

He's trying to convince his doc to put him onto TRT as he's already tried everything (legal) himself...however given the nature of his occupation (runs a supp store, knows people), should his doc decide against it then he'll likely do it himself.

Runs a supp store hey?

Is his name Kyle?

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