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i find it queer that this is rarely/never discussed considering it's a sport just like any other


just wondering if there are other people on here that are into it

so who does/have done what?

how long have you been doing it?

what level?

training for fitness/cardio or for ring fights/competitions etc?

and so on

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Started with Shotokan when I was 12 then started boxing at 15, got the shit beat out of my in the ring at 17 by a tall lanky bugger who hit like he had anvils in his gloves, then started Tie Quan Do at 18 till 20 then Wing Chun Kung Fu till around 28, Go Kan Ru from 30 till 34.

Still do kata and bag work, but as age is catching up (46) and speed is not needed I do alot more weights and heavy hitting, also the cardio has gone so if I cannot finish a stink in 60 seconds Im finished.


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Fair bit of time you've invested in it mate good stuff

I tried out taekwando and karate at 18 for ~8 months but got over it so I switched to kickboxing/muay thai at 19 and loved it was more my style. Stopped at 23 only coz the joint closed down. Only 2 proper ring fights won 1 tied the other. Although the sparring sessions did sometimes get out of hand when bets were put down lol

wanna get back into it but maybe try a different style this time

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I did a bit of MMA in the Army as training...not for me...much rahter drink beer and squeeze triggers lol

I can see how it would be enjoyable and I would do it again if my knees/back let me

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You dont win a fight or prove how hard you are with your fists, took me alot of years to learn that, besides fists dont help when your facing someone with a blade or a gun.

There is always someone faster, harder or younger than you.

Stay fit and get old, fighting is for mugs, whats it prove, that your hard, so what, how many old hard c u# nts do you know .

But yes your right, all the katas and bag work in the world wont help you if you cannot take hits.

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As I said, it's a sport just like any other. You don't play afl, soccer, basketball etc to prove how "hard" you are but to prove how good you are at it.

I'm not talking about "street fights" I agree anyone who does that shit needs to get a life.

Comes down to what you wanna get out of it, if it's cardio/fitness side of it that you're only interested in then that's fair enough

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first tried karate but didn't like it,did judo when i was kid for a couple years got really good, but stopped because i got board, coach begged my mum for me to come back, i kick myself for stopping i got to the point where i could drop someone without thinking even when they tried running at me or a couple at the time, not bad for kid in year 5, after that i wanted to get into something more contact like boxing, parents wouldn't let me come 17 tried Wing Chun for a while liked it but gave up, started Muay Thai loved it had an awesome trainer but training closed down as rent went to high to make it affordable to run, it was a shame cause it was one of the most fun training i ever had. and now i'v been looking for some decent MA to go to but pickings are slim in Canberra. wouldn't mind trying some jkd or just find some good trainers.

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Did karate for a few years when I was a pre-teen...still know how to kick and punch, so I guess it stays with you for life. Got bored of it because it was more an exercise lesson than a martial arts class (read: situps and puships for 20 minutes? Fk off, I can do that at home, make with the kicking and punching already).

Been wanting to take up something for years now, I procrastinate it so much though. When I do get around to it, I would like to do some sort of kickboxing as I have long legs and a fair bit of flexibility in them...

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Boxing for a year

MMA for 2 years had to stop due to health

BJJ purple belt same excuse as above.

Now getting into taekwando for a bit of fun and a friend is opening his own gym so no fees.

Also have a small background in wrestling

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Yeah TKD/karate got boring very quickly coz we spent half the session on bodyweight training that you can easily do at home and the other half kicking/punching thin air.

Muay thai was a whole heap more enjoyable specially when you have a traditional instructor that teaches proper old school methods and not newer modified versions. hardened up my shins nicely, though bruises were part of training...

There's a place near my house that trains brazilian jiu jitsu might sus it out

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bjj sucks balls imo, too slow until you roll with high belts.

Also its like a chess game, opponent does this, i try this yadda yadda. If you compete in BJJ all you need to win is a decent takedown and to control the opponent.

Just my opinion, i did it cause i was competing in mma.

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did a little bit of BJJ

XMA flips, kicks and weapons training

I've trained with matt emig and Daniel his former XMA partner and also Richard norton from the old Jackie chan movies. Hit me up if you want some good schools to train in NSW.

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Anyone looked into or done Krav Maga? This is talked to be the most useful/deadly martial art when it comes to close quarters combat or defence in a street fight scenario. I know we're talking martial arts as a sport here, but self defence is the reason for these practices existing in the first place.

There's a place near my house that trains brazilian jiu jitsu might sus it out

Haha my mate injured his shoulder in BJJ cause he didn't execute a roll properly...it's apparently pretty intensive on the body for the first few weeks, but now he's out of gym for a good couple of weeks :down:

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Krav Maga looks good, but I am told it is marketed even better. There is meant to be a real good Krav school in Melbourne, not sure where though.

I'd Like to give Escrima/Kali ago but not many places teach it full time. Its usually offered as a secondary kinda thing.

Best form of street self defense is track and field events.

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You should try arnis (philipino stick fighting) it's good for beginners and will boost up your hand speed build up your coordination you'll pick up krav maga and weapons faster that way.

Anyone looked into or done Krav Maga? This is talked to be the most useful/deadly martial art when it comes to close quarters combat or defence in a street fight scenario. I know we're talking martial arts as a sport here, but self defence is the reason for these practices existing in the first place.

Haha my mate injured his shoulder in BJJ cause he didn't execute a roll properly...it's apparently pretty intensive on the body for the first few weeks, but now he's out of gym for a good couple of weeks :down:

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