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Help Design Sau Merch - Earn Cash!


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Ok so here is the deal guys.

SAU will have a Merchandise shop coming in the very near future in line with the 10th Anniversary, SAU Nats/B'day party & a forum revamp…

For the online shop/merch – rather than have the designs created by someone who doesn’t really get what YOU guys want to see on a t-shirt/hoodie..

SAU is giving you the chance to design it yourself and in the process get a bit of cash for your troubles.

End date for designs will be Friday 04/05/2012

We are looking for the following items only at this stage:

3 x fashion t-shirt designs - Can be front only, or front/rear designs

1 x long sleeve shirt designs (for motorsport boys) - SAU logo or variation on left breast, incorporate the URL and whatever else

1 x hoodie design - Free range here, go as mild or wild as you like

1 x cap design - A good cap design is simple, but effective. Cap will need to have URL on it.

Cash that will be given out for designs chosen listed below. You will also get a free merchandise item that your design goes onto :thumbsup:

t-shirt: $100ea ($300 total)

Long sleeve: $100

Hoodie: $100

Cap: $80

For the Motorsport tops, please leave the sleeves spare. The plan is to put SAU Trader logo's down the arms for those that would like to come on-board. They will be supplied to whomever at a later stage once we decide on the designs.

So please get to your designs and post them in this thread. Christian will have the ultimate say, however there will be a 'shortlist' of a few designs, which will then feature in a Poll to gauge interest.

Any questions, thoughts, ideas - post them here. Please don't PM me, I get too many as it is smile.gif

End date for designs will be Friday 27/4/2012

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I really like the SAU logo, we dont get it on ACT stuff but i think its nice with the red blue and white, and its got that GTR badge look.

New designs are a great idea, you will see all the awsome artists come out hiding.

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What sort of thing do people want to see?

Text/cars/engines/full colour/black white ETC?

Throw some idea's around, I'll put pen to paper with a fellow car enthuso friend :thumbsup:

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For the t-shirts probably looking at 1-2 colour designs at the most.

Maybe a good photo of a car or engine bay perhaps for one.

Want to limit the colours as we don't want to make them too expensive to produce and then they become too highly priced. That said if the design is awesome then it could potentially still work.

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If i get a chance i'll give this a shot if you guys would like. Im usually over at calais turbo (just signed up to sell some R33 parts) but i'd like to get involved somehow here, as i plan to get into skylines someday, im a graphic/industrial designer so this would suit me perfectly!

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Idea for the back use a GIF image of all the SKYLINE models and SAU badge on front?

I was thinking this same thing, (have been looking for a good pic of a Skyline timeline etc).

Perhaps SAU on the front with Many diff models and have the web address on the back.

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We are slowing getting somewhere now :D

I know a few other people are working on bits/pieces, hopefully they get posted sometime this week.

And don't worry about posting them public, that's the whole point.

Everyone gives input to improve ones design etc. If someone directly copies you it'll be rather obvious and they wont be given squat.

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hey guys...

i've made up around 7 designs all of which can be put on either polo, long sleeved, or the hoodie.

What format would you like the pic to be in? also all the designs are just on a little t-shirt template that can be changed if needed.

also i will try to make something up for the cap aswell as a hoodie only design.



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I was thinking this same thing, (have been looking for a good pic of a Skyline timeline etc).

Perhaps SAU on the front with Many diff models and have the web address on the back.

Timeline idea is cool,

I want a pic of a 32, others want there own cars too, timeline will please all.

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A small Sau on the front right/left on the chest with the web address on the back across the shoulder blades in a long sleeve shirt, probably grey in colour with black writing and colored for the Sau.

Less is more for me, I don't need to wear a picture of my car to remember what it is :)

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that cap looks really good id wear that, i also agree with whoever said about keeping it simple with something like luke gtr did. if you start putting pictures of cars on them they become less wearable for me. simple is the way to go... also black shirt with red and white writing will ALWAYS look mint :)

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So here's my first post!

The idea behind my concept is the R32, R33 and R34 are the Skylines which were bred solely for racing. I feel slightly impartial to the current GTR because it doesn't have a H-pattern manual gearbox and is filled to the brim with tech (not that it's a bad thing).

In the same way, I believe the R31 is slightly too old and never came with a twin-turbo set up.



This was just a draft I did within a couple hours, I haven't touched Illustrator is ages and this was pretty fun.

Criticise away!

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