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Broken R32 Gtr

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So it stopped running while you owned it or it has never run while you owned it? Was there any significant event that caused it to stop running?

First things first: check for fuel pressure, check for injector pulse and check that you have spark. On an RB you can simply unbolt the CAS and turn it by hand. You can then hear the injectors click and watch plugs spark without the motor cranking.

Next check for compression. I have a feeling it may have bent some valves when it slipped the belt, but i am only speculating.

Verdict: if it has fuel pressure, injectors pulse, has spark and has compression then it SHOULD run. Cam timing could stop it if it were majorly out, as could major intake leaks.

Outside of the above you should be able to find the issue with those tests.

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suggest you fit a timing belt kit and try to start the car? IF the motor is f**ked you would need those parts anyway as part of a rebuild , once you have got it all back together then turn it over by hand first

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So it stopped running while you owned it or it has never run while you owned it? Was there any significant event that caused it to stop running?

First things first: check for fuel pressure, check for injector pulse and check that you have spark. On an RB you can simply unbolt the CAS and turn it by hand. You can then hear the injectors click and watch plugs spark without the motor cranking.

Next check for compression. I have a feeling it may have bent some valves when it slipped the belt, but i am only speculating.

Verdict: if it has fuel pressure, injectors pulse, has spark and has compression then it SHOULD run. Cam timing could stop it if it were majorly out, as could major intake leaks.

Outside of the above you should be able to find the issue with those tests.

yeah it stoped running while i was driving and ive found its a tooth out on the exhaust side.

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suggest you fit a timing belt kit and try to start the car? IF the motor is f**ked you would need those parts anyway as part of a rebuild , once you have got it all back together then turn it over by hand first

Yep that's my plan for next weekend get it timed and see if she'll run.

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rb engines, like any other 4 stroke engines.

if it has skipped a tooth or possibly more, could definitely stop it running.

yeah thanks mate i wasn't sure if the rb's were really sensitive to being a tooth out or not but yeah still could be more teeth out on the crank.

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yeah thanks mate i wasn't sure if the rb's were really sensitive to being a tooth out or not but yeah still could be more teeth out on the crank.

maybe check the sprockets on the inlet and exhaust cams and find out what may have causedthe belt to jump otherwise it may do it again

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maybe check the sprockets on the inlet and exhaust cams and find out what may have causedthe belt to jump otherwise it may do it again

yeah next weekend when i pull it all apart ill see if i can see the cause of the problem and put a new timming beld kit on

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  • 2 weeks later...

okay im trying to remove my turbos because i have blown the rear turbo but man what a mission any tips guys.

ive almost got the front turbo off but im kind of stuck lol

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welcome to the world of low mount turbos lol

If u got access to a hoist will help from the bottom. Take this opportunity to change the turbos or dumpipes if u need to while its being taken apart

Is that what the problem was, a blown propellor?

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yeah the rear propeller on the rear turbo :(

everyone told my what a flamin mongrel of a job it is but agh it couldn't be that bad but it is !! hahah

what im trying to do is take the head off in the car but i think the intake side is going to be even harder.

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and our a mechanic and actually know what your doing, imagine how us backyarders feel when we pull shit apart lol

hahah yeah big freaken job for anyone !

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ive found its a tooth out on the exhaust side.

i have blown the rear turbo

So is it turbo or timing (cam gear) related? Or both?

what im trying to do is take the head off in car

Whys the head coming off?

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So is it turbo or timing (cam gear) related? Or both?

Whys the head coming off?

its turbo and compression related thats why im taking the head off to see what kind of damage there is and to see what course of action im going to take rebuild or just get it going till i have enough money to do a full rebuild

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I managed to pull the rear turbo off. Short 13mm combo spanner helps with the dump pipe; tedious as hell.

How the hell did you get the front turbo off? It looks impossible lol

haven't got it off yet almost though and i know what you mean i was sitting there yesterday thinking what the actual f**k lol

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