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V36 Tyres?

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The tyre sizes are front 225/50 18 and 245/45 18 rear, I've been trying to decide between Michelin pilot super sport and the more affordable Kumho ku22.

Budget wins out on this one Kumho's it is.

How much are the KU22 for a set of 4?

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Probably a bit late but if it helps....I had the same problem. Looked around at a lot of tyres (considered the Yokohama's 'cos they are OEM on the 370Z but couldn't get a reasonable price) but finally went with a newer offering from Falken, the PT722. I had not thought about that brand as my impression was just cheap passenger car crap, but these are actually pretty good tyres. I went up a size so 235/50-18 on the front and 255/45's on the rear and walked out with change from a grand!

And don't get caught up in the bullshit about speed rating - at 180Kph that's it, so why pay through the nose for a Z rated tyre?

The Falken's probably don't have the same level of adhesion as say a Continental tyre, but they do have a lot of feel when pushing the car hard.

For the price not a bad deal.

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Because there is more to the speed rating of a tyre than the actual top speed that the car will go.

Its more about tyre construction, and torque handing characteristics of the tyre.

Not to mention voiding your insurance...

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In SA (and I think other states are similar) the law says:

"The speed rating of the tyres fitted to a passenger vehicle must be at least 180 km/h ('S') when the tyre placard requires a higher speed rating than 'S', for all other vehicles a speed rating of at least 120 km/h applies ('L')."

So putting S rated tyres on any car won't void the insurance, nor is it illegal. In my opinion, if a tyre is rated to 180 kph (and you can bet there is a decent safety margin - the tyre won't explode at 181 kph), and I'm not using it on a track, I believe that the tyre construction & torque handling characteristics will be more than sufficient for our nanny-state speed limits.

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Agree with you GeeDod.

The PT722's are rated V so 240Kph should handle it.

I understand that the higher the rating the better a tyre [should] be, but you would like to think that a modern tyre of this size and profile would provide the expected quality.

My point was more to the significant jump in price when you spec W or Z tyres when realistically most of us wouldn't push quite to the limits where we would notice the difference.

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370GT SP has 19in wheels as std

370GT SP has 19in wheels as std

I think wogboy is bang on the money. I was going to say the same, and surprised nobody else has mentioned it. Each and every one of the 4 sp's my mates and I have brought out had 19" wheels.

So either;

1. It's not an sp model.....sorry

2. It's an sp with de-specced wheels.....sorry

3. I'm misinformed....in which case, I'm sorry

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