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They were unaware of the "USA Style" number plates that Vicroads were offering, so they thought you were dodgy and home made them... That's pretty illegal and a valid assumption to make if you've got no clue about the current state of car licencing in victoria., even though you're the one who's assigned the task of enforcing it.

As if they didn't know lol. The cops were bored, it was Boxing Day, and were all standing around chatting. Clearly they were all bored

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Dandenong is pretty cool though..there is tuners on nearly every block ,as an added bonus there is also brothels on every block, so you can get you car tuned and your end wet, its like heaven..It probably has more imports than any other council in Victoria...(and I don't just mean the cars)...they never look twice at most cars.. ...they do however have very regular RWC checks , usually on Dandenong bypass...stay away from them and enjoy many years of happy motoring...

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There are a few areas in Melbourne that I will never drive my GTR due to the notorious Highway Patrol ass rapists in the area. Dandenong is one of them. Some may disagree, but I won't even risk it with the number of stories coming from Dandy and a few nearby locales.

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I find Dandenong to be fine, even before I bought the Nissan in Volvo clothing.

It was only when the old 'Dandy Drags' were around that the cops we're harsh in Dandenong.

I second the comment earlier about Knox + all the surrounding suburbs, they have it in for anything that seems remotely import, I was in a Civic type R with four other guys and were pulled over on Burwood hwy by no less then three marked patrol cars who then attempted to defect the car despite the owner having a roadworthy certificate dated from that day (he was selling it), was ridiculous.

Most of the time I find cops to be fine if you arent an idiot - I have only been pulled over once in the m35 and that just because the officer that was driving was thinking about buying one - true story :thumbsup:

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FWIW a car with a roadworthy certificate can still be defected on the same day it received one, not just because many people change back to their defectable items as soon as their car has been cleared, but also because obtaining a RWC doesn't guarantee you against all defects - it simply states that your car was observed to be in a roadworthy condition by a workshop licensed by the RTA/VicRoads. If they missed an item or you got defected again for an item that was cleared, you could take it up with the workshop and VicRoads I guess, but it doesn't mean the car can't be defected.

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Well ive been driving the skyline around dandenong now for around 2 months or close to it, havnt been pulled over by cops, ive even driven past them and they dont even look at me. Im yet to see a highway patrol though, so im not sure about them.

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Most don't look twice at you because most don't care and most are actually decent law enforcers. It's the shit cops that stand out from the rest. There's a reason petite has a name and no other cop is mentioned like him. The good cops have an image problem just like the good import drivers, because of a few bad eggs - only difference is it costs us money.

But all it takes is one incident from a bad egg and you'll be forever weary of the police from that day out :)

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I managed 3.5 years without a defect because I don't drive like a retard on the streets...

Though last weekend, knox of all places (funny that)... HWP came to say hello when I was just rolling along burwood highway to go get some dinner. Wasn't pettett, but two other blokes, they weren't too bad actually... Just too low, they could have kept looking but didn't for some reason. a good attitude goes a long way :)

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So i jynx'd myself. I was picking up someone from work at 11 30pm, driving down endeavour hills and i see a booze bus waiting for me. So i stop and im getting breath tested by this lady cop, she just tells me to blow into it and i do, results come back 0% alcohol, so im thinking ok ill be driving off now, then this other cop lady comes up to my car and is like oi mate you know your fog lights are on? I didnt say anything because i didnt know what the hell was going on,shes like your only allowed to have fog lights on if its foggy, she then says thats a 144 dollar fine. I respond, im sorry, she pauses for a second and says hmmmm... that would of been a 144 dollar fine but ill let you go this time, i respond with a smile and say thank you, she says have a good night.

Ok so,i had no idea your not allowed to have fog lights on unless its foggy, i just always kept driving with them on i honestly had no idea you werent allowed, my bad =s

So she let me off because i did not give her attitude and i was respectful. I gained knowledge from this, i now know im not allowed to drive with fog lights on unless its foggy. If she wanted to be a bitch she could of gave me that 144 dollar fine, and she could of proceeded to inspect my car, but because of good attitude and being respectful i was let off.

I guess its like, whenever we see cops were like oh no cops, whenever they see us their like oh no hoons, but once they see your respectful and dont give them bullshit theyll go nice on you unless you meet a real bastard of a cop.

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You are correct that a good attitude goes a long way, and that sometimes you will cop it (haha) no matter how nice you are. The reality is that being nice and respectful doesn't hurt your chances; being a cock certainly does.

That being said, cops are just like anyone else doing their 9-5 job...and shouldn't really receive anymore respect or an overly polite attitude than anyone else should get from you throughout the course of your daily life. That's obviously not how it is nor how it works, with roles of authority and enforcement, particularly as many are no doubt used to being sucked up to (or abused on huge other end of the spectrum) and tripping on power (I get the final say, what I say goes etc.) but that's certainly how it should be. They are enforcers of the law; servants of the people; not gods.

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P.S. Leigh found out the hard way that do foglights during non-foggy conditions is a $144 fine, and that was in a Falcon...so I'd say you were quite lucky.

I don't see the big deal with foglights. I couldn't care less who has them on in what conditions. Most factory SUV/4WD with Xenons are infinitely worse for blinding people. When are manufacturers gonna be held accountable for shit that is illegal on other vehicles? The variable exhaust volume valves are the worst in this case.

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^ ermagerd this... I had a gmc yukon behind me in peak hour this morning, so blinding in both my left and right mirrors... No reason for his lights to be on either at 9am with the sun out... Your car is white mate, we can see you.

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Yeah i had no idea about fog lights only allowed on during fog, i should of known im an idiot lol. I do consider myself lucky, maybe it was my charming good looks in a good looking car, female cop was probably thinking how can i fine such a hotty. She was pretty cute herself, hot blonde police women =D

I looked up the name pettett on google and i found out exactly who he is and where he patrols. Although my car is 100% roadworthy and can not be defected for anything, somehow this guy will find a way from what ive read about him. I hope i dont ever meet this cop lol, i guess ill be extra extra careful when driving around the knox area. Aparently this guy swerves into lanes at high speeds cutting people off and almost causing accidents, runs red lights at high speeds just because he sees a car he does not like. I think if i ever looked in my mirror and saw a highway patrol chasing me at high speeds id probably think hes going to shoot me, so id just get out of the car and put my hands across my head and lay down on the floor hoping he does not shoot me.

How can he chase people as if there carrying guns or some kind of bomb, id honest to god crap my pants if i saw a cop doing that stuff in my mirror.

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