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Recent Car Thefts


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Hi all,

It has been more and more apparent to me that victoria is getting horrible for skyline car thefts. So much so that im questioning owning one altogether. I've had one stolen, and another attempted recently.

I'm rather disgruntled at vicpol for the lack of effort on thier behalf, im also concerned on how you're treated by insurance mobs after the event.

I find myself taking ridiculous counter measures to avoid and deter thieves.

This thread is not really looking for an answer, but more after a healthy discussion on any points above. I.e. do you have any tips? Can we do anything as a club? For instance: What is to stop an insurance funded project where (desirable) cars are baited with GPS units? Specially in conjunction with vicpol?



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In the same breath. If you do know who is doing it, please speak up. Imagine the thing you love and worked hard for was stolen / damaged. If youre the lads doing it, working is not that hard.....

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A window at the front of a house at Woolloomooloo once displayed the sign,

"This place is protected by shotgun 3 days a week. Guess which days!"

Srsly is your car garaged and in a less risky suburb?

We had a Tech Night on security recently - I'm sure some suggestions will pop up - some you know about already - maybe a few you don't. Let's see...

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What is to stop an insurance funded project where (desirable) cars are baited with GPS units? Specially in conjunction with vicpol?

I think liability would have a huge impact on this, which is why it wouldn't work (in Australia at least), for example, if the thief to-be were to injure his/her self or injure someone else during the process of 'baiting' etc...

I find myself taking ridiculous counter measures to avoid and deter thieves.

I do too, and so should everyone else. Park off the street, full alarm, steering clocked left or right when parked, plus whatever other little secrets you have.

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Hey Terry.

I grew up on a farm and know my way around an under and over. Potentially sit on the porch and hit them with a scatter gun.

Secure parking, soon to be.

But whats the upside for these guys? You could have parted out my old one for MAYBE 8k. Thats like 1 months work?!

Tell me more about the tech forum.

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Every 2-3 months we organise a Tech Night.

One of the VIC Execs can arrange one on security I'm sure.

The Carbon Car System one went into surrounding detail about securing one's car besides the usual 3-4 way immobiliser systems and tracker systems and mobile phone apps.

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Dont waste your time with trackers, they can be jambed, pros are prepared for this, backyarder/kids are not.

Notice the amount of cars with trackers never to be seen again?

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Dont waste your time with trackers, they can be jambed, pros are prepared for this, backyarder/kids are not.

Notice the amount of cars with trackers never to be seen again?

So if someone decides to take my car for a joyride and they don't see the hidden tracker, I can still locate my car.

If a pro with a jammer steals it, then I know that there's nothing I can do to stop them. But at least I've got a chance of recovering the car if its some retard who wants to do some skids...

Though I wonder what most police would do if you called them up and said this is the exact position of my stolen high performance imported car right now... Please help me catch this car thief. Probably hang up the phone....

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I don't think it's hard to defend a car from being stolen. Alarm, immobiliser, hidden kill switches, etc will prevent most from taking your car.

What I'm concerned about is when they tow your whole car away and take all their sweet time to strip it.

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The problem with trackers is they just need a mobile phone jammer, turn it on and its suddenly invisable.

Still heaps of them around making their way into the country, customs is catching some and issueing warning letters, looks like some still make it through though, even the kids doing joy rides have access to them.

I personally believe cars that are stolen towed have one of these devices simply thrown in the car switched on and never to be seen again.

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Hey Terry.

I grew up on a farm and know my way around an under and over. Potentially sit on the porch and hit them with a scatter gun.

Secure parking, soon to be.

But whats the upside for these guys? You could have parted out my old one for MAYBE 8k. Thats like 1 months work?!

Tell me more about the tech forum.

someone resorting to theft is highly unlikely to land a job that would pay them $100k p.a honestly.

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lol 100k, and the rest... 8k a month...

Trackers are, and always have been, a rip off gimmick. Just cause someone makes something, doesn't mean you need it. Jammers cost HALF the average price of a GPS unit installed... False economy.

Most people simply fall into:

1. Dont have alarms

2. If they do have alarms, they are not installed correctly and area easily bypassed.

I've said it for years. Spend $200 on an alarm and $600 installing it rather than $600 on an alarm and $200 on installation. You'll be intangibly better off.

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I'm considering getting a boss kit and a quick release lol, take my steering wheel everywhere I go :D

yup - that's what I do :-)

....that plus alarm + tracker + full wheel lock when parked + always garaged + always park in secured or undercover parking when out and about + insurance


The Baron

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