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Hks Gt-rs Which Is Oil And Water Feed?

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Hi all

I've finally got around to installing my hks gtrs turbo on my GTT and I'm unsure of which ports in it are oil feed and water feed and drain. Could anyone please confirm which ports these are?

Also if anyone could confirm which ports are oil and water feed on my engine block/bay that would also be greatly appreciated :)



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I'll be nice.

There are 2 water ports.

There is one drain.

There is one oil inlet.

The drain is larger than the inlet. You can even look at your old turbo as they are the same oil and water setup.

Good luck.

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Sorry I'm fully aware that there's both a water feed and drain and oil feed and drain (I'm not that dumb). It's obvious which one the oil drain is but I'm not 100% sure which the other 3 are as there are no markings or diagrams I can find on the internet. Just asking on here for clarification as I don't want to destroy a hks turbo from getting the oil and water feeds mixed up. I posted that at 1:30 in the morning so sorry for not making myself clear

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Well you are part way there.

The drain is ticked off.

A pretty smart guess would be the feed would be opposite it, and a small diameter line.

Nom nom nom ;)

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Looking at the turbo again on the top and bottom are 2 thicker lines

And on the sides are 1 smaller line and the oil drain

Safe to assume the smaller one is the oil feed and the thicker line at the top is water feed ?

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It gonna sound harsh but if you cant figure that out you should think twice about your ability to fit it properly... anyone can bolt things together but if you dont understand why it often runs into issues later on.

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Sorry I posted this asking for confirmation as I thought someone would know. Would like to be 100 % sure about something before I do it to my car, not. 99%. I've figured out the oil feed and just want to makes sure I don't mix up the water ones

Also I'm referring to the positioning of the inlets in respect to the pictures that I uploaded. When I say top I'm referring to the inlet at the top of the photo etc. thought what I was saying was pretty straight forward ..

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Was just trying to sort out which is the inlet and outlet for water as I thought it had to go in a specific way but it's all sorted now. Found out it's dependent on the angle of the turbo and nothing to do with the internals or anything

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It's not really even dependent on the angle of the turbo. Given that the oil definitely has a top and a bottom (ie, drain on the bottom) that means that the water definitely is located on each side. Sure, if the turbo is cocked over on an angle then one water connection will be higher than the other.....but there's little enough difference in that height to justify saying that one or the other must be the inlet. A hot turbo will thermosiphon forwards or backwards just as happily once the engine is shut off, and it hardly matters if the water is going the normal direction or the opposite direction under those circumstances.

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Weathers been terrible so not yet, just about to check and see if my 2 banjo bolts will fit in my engine for oil feed and coolant. If so it should be on by the end of the day :)

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