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Where do people go for Grey Import Finance these days?


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most grey import finance comes from the dealership theyre bought from, usually?

as far as importing through a broker... I thought the 3-4 individual payments make a bit more manageable than big payment upfront, but yeah personal loan I guess. Some banks offer loans specifically for cars, I dont see why that car has to be in the country or registered to qualify.

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Personal loan. There might be a few boutique asset finance companies who'll do grey's, but they'll charge you as high or higher than personal rates but also hold a caveat on your car.

If you do find car finance for grey's, their advertised rate will be a load of bollocks. They are allowed to quote base rate before fees. Once they load up app fee, origination fee, brokerage and monthly fee the real rate will likely be worse than personal loans.

If you want, tell me where you are and I'll put you in touch with a good finance broker.

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