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bris area, our new one, security question


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hey all, been kinda lurking here quietly for a while, reading posts (tutorials are great!!) just wanted to say an offical g'day and introduction. We're keen to meet up with some other enthusiast and maybe join in a cruise sumtime...

Question first: recommendations for best car security systems? Thanx for any suggestions.

Well my partner and I decided about a year ago we wanted to look out and see our two dream cars in the garage...first came the Tori mid last year, 78 LX SS hatch.. Then after months of searching, importation paperwork and patient waiting, the Skyline arrived in Jan this year... R32 GTS4

Its pretty sweet having these two cars, although keeping the dollars up to wish-list is proving a challenge. The lines awesome, been on the road about 4 wks, although she's been in and out of the mechanics sorting out a few issues, we're slowly getting her up to speed. The paint is a bit shabby up close (not so straight as we were led to believe), along with a fair few scratches and dents picked up on the not-so-gentle importation process, which was a bit of a bummer. At the moment all spare cash is going on internal health but hopefully we'll have her lookin nice by the end of the year. Dreaming of that day!

So if you see us out and about give a wave and say Hi (white 32/OMX61 plates). Tho, im still learning to deal with the 18 year old punk harrasment factor of driving a skyline, specially being female, so plz don't be offened if driver seems zoned out ignoring other cars..lol. We're in the pine rivers area, and mostly stick around the north side of brissy.

cheers all, hope every1's having a nice sunday arvo :(

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Hey welcome aboard :wavey:

yeah unfortunately owning a Skyline means that every toy racer with an inferiority complex wants to have a go at the lights. Just ignore them and save it for Willowbank is the best option.

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Congrats on joining the club....

See you next cruize. Dont be scared  to say gday.... Although stay away from cyrus as he is a little hyperactive... LOL

Me? Hyperactive, Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Welcome to the forums :wavey:

I drive up and through the pine rivers shire on the weekends and you really cant miss me.

I usually go out of my way to wave at other liners, and yes I am a bit crazy :cheers:

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Welcome, first, beware of Cyrus, have met him once and am already worried..... Just kidding, great guy and loads of info on 'lines. Am in the same shire, southern end tho. Silver R33 S2. Still looking for a good alarm myself, but a good, well hidden imobiliser is very effective if you just want them to leave most of the car where you parked it!!


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as a fellow female skyline driver i would like to welcome you to the forums. Maybe we can plan an all girl cruise sometime. :P

see ya around


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Yeah just wait mate soon they'll be planning R34 only, all-girl cruises! :)

Maybe a couple of us should follow them in case they need to change a tyre though...


(waits for fem-flames)

:( :flamed:

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as a fellow female skyline driver i would like to welcome you to the forums. Maybe we can plan an all girl cruise sometime. :)

see ya around


discrimination....first the 34',s now its gender..just who do you ppl think you are??? This is a discrace to the forums. So in response lets do the mature thing and organise an all but 34 cruise consisting of only males :(

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lol...well any cruz will be a good cruz :rofl:

hey thanks for the friendly welcome folks. will definately keep an eye out for everyone whilst out and about.

The group buy on the viper alarms looks good. Cheers for posting that Slide. We already have a viper in the tori and its seems like a pretty good system so far..

modr33s2 - its pretty hard to compare the two, tori is a NA 253 (in need of a rebuild very soon) she revs hard/has a sh*t load more torque than the Line and is basically just a beast.. lol.. just a totally different experience, but beaautiful to drive :(

The skyline gets the comments/looks from mostly younger ppl, but the torana gets alot of the older generations smilin when they see/hear her and remember when they had one 20yrs or so ago :( We actually travelled from Perth to Cairns many yrs ago in a little LJ coupe as kids.. they're all tough little cars... you can't help but love em'

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discrimination....first the 34',s now its gender..just who do you ppl think you are??? This is a discrace to the forums. So in response lets do the mature thing and organise an all but 34 cruise consisting of only males :rofl:

If your that insecure guy's maybe you should attend, we wouldn't like any ego's getting bruised.

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