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Everything posted by Ant97GTR

  1. Awesome mate Glad you are reaping some rewards for your time spent in India
  2. Ok finally got around to uploading my in car from HHills... ....with fluffed gearchange
  3. Congrats on a well deserved sponsorship Adam
  4. I use fibreglass ones from a carvan place which look similar to the takada ones but without the price. Any caravan place usually has them and cost me around the $60 mark. I was using wood planks but got sick of them sliding around on concrete when I tried to drive the car onto them.
  5. Another update.... SAU Nickname: Ant97GTR Car Make and Model: R33 GTR Circuit Name: Haunted Hills Lap time: 56.36 (std configuration) Lap time: 63.64 (Fig8 configuration) Engine: RB26 with PowerFC, std turbos (with steel wheels), exhaust Power: 270-280rwkw Suspension: Racepace Teins, adj arms (camber/castor/toe) Tyres: Advan A050's Brakes: std with DBA5000 front rotors Body weight: Standard
  6. Congrats to all the winners and grinners As usual sounds like Deca provided a good time for all......one day I might actually earn enough brownie points to come along
  7. Docklands for me too Also easier to keep the cars clean at the docklands.
  8. That they are Ryan, thanks Like I said I was wrapped with the 56 but I do feel there is more in it. Given a good lap, on a good day I have no doubt my R in its current form is capable of a high 55. It was good to do the figure 8 and I did enjoy it - with a bit more seat time around it I think it could be the better layout. One of the +'s is the fact that it is a little bit longer addressing the biggest knock at HHills that it is too short. It was always going to be a problem with 60+ cars there but I would've liked a another go at the original layout...Dannys time was within reach and I felt I could've bettered it. Oh well...next time
  9. Yeah as others have said for whatever reason there seemed to be a fair few offs on Sun....maybe now the wrx club has been there a few times people confidence was high and they were pushing a little too hard. The wrx that had the big off left the track under its own power but was stranded by the side of the hwy on the way back to melb. Funny thing was there was no coolant leak after the incident but it must have blocked/pinched a hose as it was a little too hot on the side of the road Waiting on the results but I had a ball....track had been heavily rained on the night before and there was a fair bit of crap on the track as a result. However after the first session + sun it appeared to grip up. I was wrapped to end the day 2nd fastest overall with a 56.3 and a time of 63.X for the figure 8. Anyone get a copy of the results?
  10. Thanks for the info Bec.. Still no luck with the table though...went to the SAU Vic site and just get a error saying the file isn't available
  11. Top work on the newsletter it does look fantastic. Kudos to all involved
  12. Could always contact Mick at Micolour.....
  13. Meridian will build you a top spec cage but quality comes hand in hand with cost. Have seen some Brown Davis cages and they do a great job without a large hit on the wallet.
  14. I remember you telling me that you changed the turbo but didn't know about the suspension.....I will assume that you went adjustable everything and can now setup the car properly. Perhaps people with more track day experience running high HP rwd cars can advise further but it will come down to balancing the power with the delivery in order to get traction with the set rim width. Your suspension may need a few tweaks as well. I know that Adz's rwd 32 just pumped out an amazing time at Sandown but he is running much wider wheels than 8-9" and for the most part it was down to suspension settings.
  15. Personally I would go the 100kg less....1" more rim is not enough to outweigh (hahaha) the 100kg advantage IMO. Knowing all about your traction issues I would look at sorting suspension and power delivery in order to improve in this area.
  16. Good work guys and gals.....hopefully one will be available at the meet so I can finally ditch my WA sau top
  17. Bump.... Would really like to get rid of this as it is a dust collector in my garage... $100 exclusive of postage ONO
  18. Roy you should know that minus the stripping bit that is an exact description of my R....now the suspn is sorted I can say that it is fun and reliable (so far..touch wood). As for quick....well considering I'm steering it I think it doesn't go too badly and with a bit of weight loss there should be a lot more in it.
  19. Holy Sh1t...don't know how it took me so long to find this out but a huge congrats for getting a 1:16 . Simply awesome and puts you and big red into the same catagory as bens white 33 which also punched out a 16.
  20. I agree with the above...no point buying a GTR if you are going to rip out the awd. If rwd is the way you want to go buy a gtst and spend the coin you'll save on lightening and stiffening it. I am of the belief that the 33 GTR has way more chassis stiffening bits on it than the 33 gtst but it is nothing you can't add to the gtst chassis.
  21. Some in car from WRX/SAU track day at Winton over the weekend... First up is my fastest lap in the last session of the day.... Next I have uploaded the whole last session when Russ and I were pushing each other to get PB's. Managed to get two 1:35 laps in before the rears packed up and went home - as Russ can attest to the middle of the rears were bald. The 'unintentional' drifing starts around the 4:50mark.... Finally, the off....quite clear what happened, was in 4th at around 170km/h (indicated by the speedo) hit the ripple strip on the inside which upset the grip and sent me understeering off the track. Naturally being in 4th I didn't have the responsive boost to pull me out of it and I was just a passenger. Russ was the car that went past after the white Emo soon after I *eventually* came to a stop.... Enjoy
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