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Wrx Club Round 3 - Sandown


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Copied from the WRX Forums -

Due to the overwhelming number of entries for our Anzac Day event, we will have a reserve list of entries in order of acceptance.

Basicaly, these will be the entrants who will slip into the event should someone pull out, or not show up in the morning. This list will be up later today on the acceptances thread.

As a result of our numbers it is imperative that everyone gets to Driver's briefing on time as YOUR spot may be forfeited if you are not present and have not signed in before the roll call.

It would also be appreciated if everyone can ensure that their car is ready to scrutineer and make sure ALL documentation including membership cards and licence are in order.

Any hold ups may affect track time, and we want to get on track as soon as possible to provide maximum track time.

Please affix your competition number securely with race tape not packing tape preferreably as this sticks to the number

A reminder also that the 75db limit is usually strictly enforced at Sandown due to local residants We have no control over this aspect of the day.

Finally, have your membership card ready at the entrance gate as you may be asked for some identification before entering the complex.

Tony Dalleaste

Motorsport Director

Impreza WRX Club

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If they are glass you should. Though sometimes the scrutineers miss it. If its rainy and dark then you will be using them and a good idea to tape them up. Some Cheap clear contact will do the job, just be sure to get it off as soon as you are done as the heat fromt eh light can kinda bake it on and a 30 second job of removing it turns into a 10 minute job requiring acetone

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great day

Well a big thanks to the one and only BRISBY! for making mine and my dads day great, and to say it has put the biggest smile on my dads face no one could remove. (Brisby helped my dad in driver training) Thanks again man

Scott and John

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Massive thanks to the volunteers who make the day possible. It's great to see the regulars who give their time for the events, especially Bec and James and a few other faces whos names I'm hopeless at remembering (it's my big weakness).

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A birdie tells me a certain Lada driving official would sure like a drive of an R34 capable of punching out 1:20s :(

I had a ball today. Great fun going round with John...and thank god after the quick cooler pipe fix, the R33 was free of my curse :)

...but yeh,,, good to see everyone still smiling despite the few problems seen on the day...and ditto, the officials once again donating their time.

That said, i am so keen for the next Sandown...massively keen to see if i can improve on my last attempt

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Good work everyone. Great day, great times, no incidents :(

BTW: I think I need a faster car - SuperLada didn't even top 90kmh up the back straight.

Good to see other clubs involved, but I must say I have removed the word 'clubman' from my Christmas card list. Mostly nice people - but two things during the day did not particularly impress me, nor win my favours. That is all I'll say.

Also - that Rarri is so porn. I LOVE it.

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Thankyou to whoever broke their cars this morning and got jarrod and myself out there! (hope all is well) was an awesome day, sandown is such an awesome track, even if ya rotors are corrigated... Thanks to the officials, flaggies and timers etc, was well run. (I think they need to introduce an oil/fluid flag so people know to stop ASAP). anyway, ill be posting up some pics tommorow.

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