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The Sau Official Track Day 2007

Abo Bob

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Guys if your really hooked on the circuit then join a club that runs supersprints and get in on it.!!

southernsportingcarclub.org and NSCC all compete in monthly events at various circuits and the cost is pretty reasonable.

Fair ammount of track time all properly timed and its great fun.

Typically the events fill up fast but if you get the entry in early your bound to get spot.

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TJ very upset I did not get to see you leave i was to busy going side ways with sam with the semi slicks on god he is funny when he drives he kept head butting me every time we went around a corner.

How did you go anyway ?

OI! just cause i don't have bucket seats!!! Had a great day guys, i was running low 16's, but think that if i drove a bit smoother with the semis i could crack teh 14's! Pumped for DECA and Winton!

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That sounds right bobby. coz i was right behind you in my gtst (the guy who borrowed the jack off you). and me gf timed me at 1.25. so sound right. :P

Awesome, I'm quite happy with that, considering the tyres I had on cost a total of $450.

Nice to meet you both at the track as well :-)

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OI! just cause i don't have bucket seats!!! Had a great day guys, i was running low 16's, but think that if i drove a bit smoother with the semis i could crack teh 14's! Pumped for DECA and Winton!

Face it Sam, your just nuts!

My arm muscles (lats or whateva) or lack there of were killing the next day from holding onto the Holy Sh!t handle to stop from sliding out of the seat!

Sam's shopping list:

Race Seats


Semis :P


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Face it Sam, your just nuts!

My arm muscles (lats or whateva) or lack there of were killing the next day from holding onto the Holy Sh!t handle to stop from sliding out of the seat!

Sam's shopping list:

Race Seats


Semis :P


lol fair call. Def need to do some shopping!

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Those tyres are a very soft compound Raul so your brakes must have been really bad. What pads are you using?

I have been told that the tyres are very soft compound, however they have now done 3 track days (with plenty of use on each) and I am confident of getting another track day maybe even two out of them. Maybe the fact that they are old stock has hardened them up a bit. For $500 odd dollars a set I would buy more if they were available.

As for the brake pads, they are “Racebrakes” RB74 fronts and comp 2 at the rear. The discs are still the standard ones with over 55,000km on them so I think that’s the problem.

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Sounds like a great deal mate. I'm thinking that your lighter car would help too.

When did you last bleed your brakes. I wouldn't have thought that standard rotors would cause the brakes to fade so quickly although I don't know how good they are from stock. Luckily for me the R34 has great standard brakes. 310mm front rotors for a start. :D

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Sounds like a great deal mate. I'm thinking that your lighter car would help too.

When did you last bleed your brakes. I wouldn't have thought that standard rotors would cause the brakes to fade so quickly although I don't know how good they are from stock. Luckily for me the R34 has great standard brakes. 310mm front rotors for a start. :)

It's pobably been about two to three years since I had the fluid replaced and the system bled so that could be an issue.

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OI! just cause i don't have bucket seats!!! Had a great day guys, i was running low 16's, but think that if i drove a bit smoother with the semis i could crack teh 14's! Pumped for DECA and Winton!

Now that several of us have been to DECA before, we're definately taking it to them this time. If I start running as well as I did at the end of the day last time I'll move up considerably (a more sorted car doesn't hurt either).

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I just get in my GTR and drive the arse off it. Brakes can go spongy, tires get way to hot but meh. I dont even remember checking tire pressures at the track day.

But yeah 12 months max for decent fluid

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A short clip of a light run during the day.

Managed 2 salvage one bit of footage.

Next time all three cameras will be in operation.

Also lost a fair bit of clarity when posting them to youtube.


& thanks again Adam & Co.

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SAU Track Day in the R32 GTS-T


There was a quality drop with compressing for Youtube, the helmet cam was making an annoying 'clunking' noise, so I covered it with music and will look for a better way to attach the helmet cam next time.

The white 33 was interesting to follow, even if I did have to slow down/stop for it a few times.

Thanks again to the organisers, it may feel like a loveless job, but we all luv ya for it!!!



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