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My Skyline Got Stripped


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just thought id let yas know my 33 got stripped after i had to leave it on the road heading up to springbrook on friday night.

im devastated if anyone knows who did this please let me know its pretty much irrepairable.....not worth 2 cents anymore......wrong considering the amount of hour and money and love i put into the car! :happy:

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did you have an alarm?

wow i'm sorry but this has got to be the single most stupid reply ever

can folks stop asking if a car has an alarm or not?

in this instance, 'on the way' to springbrook is mountain bushland and no houses for about 20 (40?) kms or more

in any other instance, alarms are JUST AS POINTLESS and likely to annoy your dyno guy as he tries to move your car :happy:

original poster: wow duder thats pretty harsh =(

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wow i'm sorry but this has got to be the single most stupid reply ever

can folks stop asking if a car has an alarm or not?

in this instance, 'on the way' to springbrook is mountain bushland and no houses for about 20 (40?) kms or more

in any other instance, alarms are JUST AS POINTLESS and likely to annoy your dyno guy as he tries to move your car :happy:

yeah i dont know where the f**k he gets off asking questions like that. you're such a bastard phatboi

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didn't einsteins car get broken into on the street right outside his house?

an alarm would have made that a lot harder for the thieves in that case

no, wouldn't have done shit

would someone have come to stop them? would they have run away? would anyone care?

i have better deterrant devices avaliable to me now =)

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Mel an Alarm does deter a thief, with the new alarms they have pagers and also GSM cards to call you if your car gets broken into...

Why is it point less? People do stop and have a look when an alarm goes off just cos you don’t have the decency to stop and look doesn't mean some one else wont.....

it is a valid question cos if you don’t have an alarm the is insurance approved they don’t have to cover you for this, even if you pay for fire and theft cover. if you don’t believe me go check out your policy again..

it is a valid Question and a solid investment so shut ya hole..

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i doubt anyone on this forum would look to see what car has its alarm going off

it's such a common occurence due to fault, vibration, or stupid owners these days that it's like the boy crying wolf

theres one here....so long as i dont have to go a massive amount out of my way, i'll always look. Gives me some hope for good karma that my car will get checked on if it's in trouble.

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this is not about the effectiveness of an alarm. the poor guy got his pride n joy f**ked over. concentrate on the topic please

Well if the -poor guy would give details of what they took we may at least be able to keep an eye out for cheap said items.

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thank you for your cooperation

Not sure what you are inferring by that Dan. My intentions were honourable. The only way anything will come of this is if the perpetrators are caught selling the stolen parts.

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