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Painting Cooler Black + Piping... Any Special Methods?


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Hey all

im looking to paint my FMIC and the piping (if i have paint left over) black...

the thing is, my cooler is a bit damaged, so i was looking to replace it soonish, so i thought id give painting the current one black a go..

I remember a thread/debate on here saying which paint to use.. So i have a couple of other questions..

1. Which paint do i use?

2. Is it available in spray can or in a bucket?

3. Which will give better results (im thinking can)

4. Assuming i paint the cooler only, should i take the front bar + fmic off? Or front bar only and simply mask and paint the visible parts of the cooler?

5. Do i need to "sand" back the cooler or piping (which is shiny aluminium) ?

6. I just had a knee reconstruction a few months ago, so is it a one man job (fitting the cooler back on)?

7. Cheers :):P

Edited by DjeMz
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just paint it matt black....no need to do anything but spray.....but i recommend taking it off the car....it will be easier in the long run.....piant the piping as well.....engine bay wont have a mirror in it....good for defects...

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Core: i used a $2 matt black can and a light coating, piping you can get a better finish using a better paint... UHT heat paint for Brakes/enginge parts, if used correctly will look good when you open the bonnet....

there was a debate before on the heat reducing aspect to painting a cooler IE: the thicker the paint the less heat is extracted

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Very, very light coat. Otherwise the paint will act as an insulator, keeping the heat in the aluminium and transferring it back into the intake charge. Ceramic coating would be as good as not having an intercooler at all.

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havent done it myself but the better quality paint is thick and probly will get hot, use some cheap paint its seems thinner and comes up pretty good anyway(light coat).

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and if i completely f**k it up? would ia high pressure squirt from the car wash be enough to take the paint off?

thats why a light coat of cheap paint is best, if you do f#$K it up it will come off with thinners / turps....

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  • 4 months later...

In regards to painting the cooler, have had them powder coated in the past, and also seen them powder coated on some high powered cars.

Powder coating gets the best finish, and paint doesn't chip/fade anywhere as easy at cheap shit paint out of a can.

Anyone else had there's powder coated? I will be getting mine powder coated for a mint finish.

I know its an old thread, but me and DjeMz were talking about it and thinking of whats best, so thought I'd bump his old thread up.



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Powder Coat only.

Take the pipes to a local Powder Coater, tell him you want "Satin Black".

He'll probably charge you minimum fee which is normally like $40.

Tell him you want to do do it for cash or beer and it will probably be ever cheaper.

100 times better and more durable than paint.

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Powder Coat only.

Take the pipes to a local Powder Coater, tell him you want "Satin Black".

He'll probably charge you minimum fee which is normally like $40.

Tell him you want to do do it for cash or beer and it will probably be ever cheaper.

100 times better and more durable than paint.

Yeah thought so.

SATIN BLACK is the shit. :)

My uncle owns a powder coating factory, so best rates alll thee wayyy:thumbsup:

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i don't think you would want your core powder coated - maybe the pipes, but that stuff is a bit thick. much thicker than spray paint or anodizing that's for sure. powder coat is tough for a reason.

i had mine painted by a radiator shop for $20 bucks. Looks fine to me although it's a little bit glossier than i was expecting.

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