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Car Crushing To Go Ahead


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They are square already but once crush they will be a smaller square block with no wheels hahaha. Police should put more speed camera's ==' that will make the hoons broke and no money for petrol..

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i could guarantee that there will be a massive rise in high speed chases, and serious crashed caused by police chases.

if they bring in a first time crush rule, and i stupidly go over the proposed 45kmph rule then im running. are you gonna let someone steal $20k from you????

Edited by rhys5169
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^^ +1... if i knew they would crush my car on first offence of what they would consider hooning (for imports anything slightly over speed limit) i would floor it... losing 20k and being left with huge debt... f**k that

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Any lawyer worth their salt would have to question the basic legalities of any legislation that allows the government to destroy private property. Sell it off, fair enough, but destruction is a different kettle of fish.

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^^ +1... if i knew they would crush my car on first offence of what they would consider hooning (for imports anything slightly over speed limit) i would floor it... losing 20k and being left with huge debt... f**k that

Loosing 20k or possibly loosing your life or someone else's life? I would rather loose the 20k.

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Loosing 20k or possibly loosing your life or someone else's life? I would rather loose the 20k.

hard to say what you would do when sitting in front of computer, but in real life situation knowing that cops will take and crush your car, with no time to think clearly many people will panic and put the foot down on accelerator, and one you start running you can't stop... most people know that cops have to call off chase after they're 40k's over speed limit, so many people would take that chance even though they would put their and other's lives at even more risk

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Some of us were young and stupid once, and even if you run, they catch up with you eventually.

You can outrun a car, but try outrunning the radio.

Also, they have been impounding for first offences since the hoon laws came in.

As Sled said, I'm not sure the crushing will ever get up over here, but I have been wrong before.

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they can review car crushing all they like.....won't happen in this country.

They'll only ever be able to impound.

If there is finance on the car, under current legislation the car belongs to the company with the financial interest, so I don't know how they'll ever get around that one.

dont take this as a dig, cos its a serious question, why does it work in the US, but wont here?

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dont take this as a dig, cos its a serious question, why does it work in the US, but wont here?

US? the same country where they still execute people and can send you to guantanamo bay for no reason... enough said... and frankly that's what SA is becomming in some ways...

im 99% sure its going ahead... there's a lot of public support and both labor and liberals are for it... it's gonna happen, don't see why it wouldnt

Edited by Rocky88
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US? the same country where they still execute people and can send you to guantanamo bay for no reason... enough said... and frankly that's what SA is becomming in some ways...

im 99% sure its going ahead... there's a lot of public support and both labor and liberals are for it... it's gonna happen, don't see why it wouldnt

im not saying it's right, i just dont see why it wont work over here if it works over there, i honestly dont consider the australian general public, or our polies a lot more smart than them over there.

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im not saying it's right, i just dont see why it wont work over here if it works over there, i honestly dont consider the australian general public, or our polies a lot more smart than them over there.

i agree with you... what i tried to say is that SA is becoming a police state much like US and no i dont consider our government any smarter than american... so yea, sadly it's probably gonna happen :D

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the biggest flaw i find in the plan is who's going to keep regency open if they crush the imports? defecting imports is a nice business for the gov, they dont wanna go and ruin it.

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im not saying it's right, i just dont see why it wont work over here if it works over there, i honestly dont consider the australian general public, or our polies a lot more smart than them over there.

they dont crush any cars. they prefer huge fines.

they crush the cars of serial offenders, most people that have numerous 'street racing' offences on their record. other than that, they crush stolen and rebirthed cars and cars that have been stripped of their chassis numbers.

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the biggest flaw i find in the plan is who's going to keep regency open if they crush the imports? defecting imports is a nice business for the gov, they dont wanna go and ruin it.

hah thats a good point tho something tells me they'll just say 'screwit' and start selling the illegal mods - and then they'll send u a bill for compliancing the vehicle again...


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running from the cops when they are gona crush ur car.. does anyone use this logic..

- cop signals for u to pull over after doing a skid.

- u go, 'f**k it' and plant it, cops chases for a km then calls it off.

- ...

- cops show up at ur house coz they took down ur rego number.

- cops take ur car and crush it.

- u recieve a criminal record.

am i the only one what sees it that way?

Edited by steveP
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running from the cops when they are gona crush ur car.. does anyone use this logic..

- cop signals for u to pull over after doing a skid.

- u go, 'f**k it' and plant it, cops chases for a km then calls it off.

- ...

- cops show up at ur house coz they took down ur rego number.

- cops take ur car and crush it.

- u recieve a criminal record.

am i the only one what sees it that way?

+1 No brainer really.

I'll do a runner in my fully sik hectik car and go to jail so I can watch them crush my car from my cell window!!!!!

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If this law does go ahead sa's population of vn commodores will disappear within a year. RCK will only be able to cruise once every two months so its' members can save up their centrelink payments to buy their next vn for the next cruise.

Seriously though, I can see a lot of people putting loans against their cars so that the government can't take them away and as mentioned above there will be a rise in chases...

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to give u guys an idea, my mates had their GTR's impounded the other week after giving it a bit of boot out of a corner, no loss of traction, no speeding, nothing. they were done for drag racing even though they werent side by side, or even speeding.

no they werent done for anything else, as they couldnt (because technically they werent doing anything illegal), but this is the kind of stuff that will get u a hoon law, and with police around with a hunger for imports, its not hard to imagine people racking up 3 warnings without doing a great deal wrong.

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