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Surely, they can be easily tracked down thru the "Paper Trail" back from the Retailer! Bums!

Feel sympathy for GReddy

Feel sorry for an innocent purchaser that ends up with damage to his turbo etc

Don't feel sorry for the retailer who should know who he's dealing with in the 1st place.

And the Counterfeiters need to be put out of business and penalised. I probably only need a couple of guesses as to which country they come from.

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Wow, they are soo close alike! the counterfitors have really spent some time making these. Great read!

Hahaha if they can counterfit them close enough they might be worth purchasing in the future :laugh:

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If I was the person making the rip offs I would be reading that and re modeling the rip off...

same here...... i want to know what factory is producing this, they look asif they have half an idea of what there doing....

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There were cases before that big companies send jobs out to cheaper countries to make the product and these factory did a few late night "overtime" while in day time they produce "genuine product" this could be the cases.

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There are lots of Ideas going around on where they come from, but who can crack down on them?

Greddy apparently,

If you suspect you have purchased, or know of a person selling, counterfeit GReddy products please contact us at [email protected] , so we pursue these criminals and there fraudulent parts.

If I was making them I would email them, thanking them for the advice on how I can improve my fraudulent product. There would be nothing they can do.

But that's just me...

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it is extremely easy to do. buy a new bov, send it to a factory in china, get them to replicate it, tell them how cheap you want them to be and away you go. seems to be that they will change one of 2 little things to make it obvious to someone who looks closely enough to see that it is fake, but close enough to fool 99.9% of people. i know that with some stuff they will simply alter the spelling of the name. it happens with holley carbies. they just spell it holly on the fakes

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i do sell the knock off ssqv's, but they're clearly labelled "monza" on them, and i tell people that they're a copy and not the real thing. its people who are too tight to pay for the real thing because wankers like nengun.com sell directly into australia and not pay any duty or gst, and shaft every retailer and people who has anything to do with the car industry. it's a load of crap. its why apexi and trust went into recievership. if anyone buys parts of e-bay and gets shafted by a copy, sucks to be you.

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