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Official NSW Skyline spotted thread


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silver r33 gtst drifting around a corner at thornleigh maccas

not something smart to do but did look good and controlled =)

that would have been me , probably shouldnt have done that being double points and all, but couldnt resist . nice 34 man looks great

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exiting corner and the rear slid out unexpected and the road was a little patchy and moist, so it oversteered heaps towards a parked truck so i counter steered and the car then did a 180 and slid straight into the kerb then onto the grass then all was lost as the grass was thick and wet aka slippery as ice. i basically blacked out after that..

once i got out i realised the car slid between 3 or 4 trees (quite a narrow gap) then got sideways and the rear (where the petrol tank and driver side wheel is) slammed into the tree prettty hard which spun the car the other way til eventually we stopped.

couldnt believe it. it's about as unlucky as u can get. basically dont know what to do or say. i just hope no one else loses their car like this..

front of the car is still fine except the front bar, but the impact with the tree on the rear ***ced everything up - chassis got bent but the front half -basically from the driver side up is fine, and the other side of the car is fine too. wheels were all pointing in diff directions except the front passenger side) that's all i saw in the dark til it got towed away.

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sorry to hear rukus...you yourself sound pretty lucky.

hope ur ok.


any deviation from the path it took on the grass could of been deadly..

if the tree hit a foot to the right, then i would of gotten slammed pretty hard, but i got lucky i suppose... :

now i just hope 'just cars' covers the car..

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saw a black r33 gtst with gtr bodykit and some nice looking wheels (CRO22Z)... thought i would get to see the back end of the car for quite some time coz the cars on epping road at around 2pm today weren't moving at all for some reason... BUT the driver decided to put on a fabulous display of handbrake u-turn at one of the traffic light and went back the way he came...

my question is.... was that really necessary in front of all those cars???????????? (people in the next car were shaking their heads...)

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good to see you both were able to walk away!  so sad that the line is in such a state, but its worth the price for both your lives....

be safe peeps!

ye i was going to put it up for sale on sunday.. didnt plan on losing it like this tho :

anyways, i think i might go for an r32 next. after driving a skyline, i dont think i can settle for just any old car :)

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spotted SAWAKITA outside epping hotel/rsl..whatever it is..about an hour ago...I beeped and your head flicked round so damn fast!

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a kiss? I thought the flash of the greem bum would keep anyone happy for a while! lol

and yeah what wilch said! But seriously, I dunno...ask messiah..he'll know!

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