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Official NSW Skyline spotted thread


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Spotted: white 33 GT-R on Mowbray Rd in Artarmon at Midnight just gone. Whole bunch of SAU NSW members surrounding the car and drooling after the Great Northern Hotel closed and we had nothing better to do :laugh:

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Spotted: white 33 GT-R on Mowbray Rd in Artarmon at Midnight just gone. Whole bunch of SAU NSW members surrounding the car and drooling after the Great Northern Hotel closed and we had nothing better to do :P

you left out the bit about someone humping the back of the car while it was waiting at the lights...!!! Dunno who it was but loved the look on the faces of the other drivers behind - hahahahahahaha!!!

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spotted a bright purple 34 GTR yesterday on the F3 exit at Gosford... nice power play imports sticker on the rear window..... absolutly beautiful car !!! :P

Was it like a harlequin colour with Gold wheels on it?

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Was it like a harlequin colour with Gold wheels on it?

Yeah, a brillant purple in the sun...I'm pretty sure it had gold wheels too. Pulled over on the side of the road with 3 other cars, an Audi & others. I drove past with the thumbs up, but the driver was busy. Hot ride !!!

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spotted a do luck r33 GTR, midnight purple 33GTR, yellow vspec r34 GTR, lotus elise, holden statesman and a heap of BMWs and my car on the Bathurst to wisemans cruise yesterday. You guys should of been there, great pace and variety!!

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spotted alot of lines last night the only one i can remeber was a whit 32 with black bonnet at thornleigh maccas number plate was oska or something.

Yeah plate would have been Osaka... Seen him around a few times. he's been on some SAU cruises too.

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Yeah plate would have been Osaka... Seen him around a few times. he's been on some SAU cruises too.

yeah thats the plate. the car sound a little rough but mabye thats cos of his running gear or somthing

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Spotted a custom purple 32 with an absolutely gorgeous girl driving it at the 7 11 in Mt Druitt today, are you on here at all? thats an awesome paintjob you have their.

Also spotted a gunmetal 32 dumped on stockies in Mt Druitt that looked basically identical to mine.

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