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Pathetic... I cant believe the people of NSW are just gonna cop this... Are we so "Civilized" that we just ask for more and more dick in the ass from the government and the RTA?

I dont understand how the people of australia can allow there government get away with so much? Like really getting a fine for going 61? Who the f**k notices there at 61? Let alone see it? You could be seeing the needle on 60 but your going 61...

And this whole this with 2000+ mobile camera's HOW the f**k do we just put up with this? THERE is no f**king proof they work for f**k sake because if no one notices the signs they dont slow down for that brief period of road.. Because honestly come now guys i see people see "Oops camera slow down"" Then once there pass ZOOOOOM they go in there super fast family carriers.. Its funny how the government can feed us so much bullshit media and entertainment that we dont even bother rise up when there clearly f**king us in the ass over and over...

End rant..


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Just to clarify, I said there were going to be 2000+ mobile speed camera sites, not 2000+ mobile speed cameras. The justification for their introduction was to monitor traffic "red spots" only, which numbered around 140. Now that they have been introduced under that pretense the RTA wants to increase the sites by a couple of thousand, no biggie......:unsure:

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oh, so you mean the average driver DOESN'T calibrate their speedo on a weekly basis after they pump up their tyres while abiding by the designated speed limit at all times? :O

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oh, so you mean the average driver DOESN'T calibrate their speedo on a weekly basis after they pump up their tyres while abiding by the designated speed limit at all times? :O

Unless your speedo starts eating the gear drive, you don't need to calibrate them, this is why they have to be between 0 and 10% over read at any time for any configuration of tyre approved by the manufacturer.

Most cars over read by at least 3% on brand new tyres. Oh and new to worn out tyres will alter reading by approx 0.5%...

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This, is, horse s***.

How the hell do they intend to keep this in? 1kph? How long does it take the average car to accelerate 1kph over the limit without the driver intending or noticing? 1,2 seconds? More, less? Even factory and after-market cruise controllers sometimes struggle to regulate your speed within 3kph. Do they honestly believe a driver should be checking their speedo LITERALLY every second?

How the F*** is that logical or safe? A slight decline in the road over 2 or 3 seconds could do this. For those whose speedos read within 1 or 2kph lower, and DON'T intentionally speed, you're all about to get f***** hard...

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SMH states that the ADRs specify a 10% margin for error either way, yet the actual ADRs say that the margin for error only applies that the car is always going equal to or less than the speed displayed on the speedo...

I wonder what else in that article is incorrect?

TL;DR - Sensationalist journalism

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The new ADR rules of +10% only applies to new cars complied as new cars.

It doesn't apply to any older cars, it doesn't apply to used imports, a car may be tested to have a speedo 3% higher than actual speed when new, give it 10 years and the speedo can go either way, no matter if the car is a Hyundai or an R35. Digital speedos arn't any better either.

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