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here's an initial concept I created for the hoodie in black (preferred), blue and red.... let me know what you guys think...




now thats cool,that godzilla thing looks gay.looks like a little kid drew it.i reckon go with this one

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here's an initial concept I created for the hoodie in black (preferred), blue and red.... let me know what you guys think...




Hot in black, will buy one NOW....

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Hah that's cool, could you do it for a 34 gtr?? Think the headlights and what not would make it work better

Obviously a 33 gtr. Lol.

Might give it a shot if I have the time :)

that godzilla thing looks gay.looks like a little kid drew it.

Thanks...I guess? It was meant to be a bit of fun, but I suppose you don't really get that kinda thing.

Nice hoodie design thirtythree-II, keep em coming.

I like the black Hako one Charles :D

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All designs will have to be B&W for now - full colour will just blow out costs for them too much and make then unaffordable for people

Just a quick q. Have you finalised how these are getting printed?

If these are being screen printed, I think it's going to be really hard to pull off the more detailed designs with shadows and whatnot but if you've found someone using a garment printer then all is well :)

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Just a quick q. Have you finalised how these are getting printed?

If these are being screen printed, I think it's going to be really hard to pull off the more detailed designs with shadows and whatnot but if you've found someone using a garment printer then all is well :)

Not yet - We will work that out depending on the designs that we like/want to go with.

I've got all options available, will come down to costs.

That said i think everyone would rather compromise slighltly on design/print complexity and have a excellent quality garment that you'll actually want to wear and get decent life out of. This is the most important part.

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Not yet - We will work that out depending on the designs that we like/want to go with.

I've got all options available, will come down to costs.

That said i think everyone would rather compromise slighltly on design/print complexity and have a excellent quality garment that you'll actually want to wear and get decent life out of. This is the most important part.

Makes sense! Totally agree about wearability of design and longevity of the actual garment.

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^^^ probably just the angle, but the back and front of the r32, look to be different colours.

absolutely love the design though.

top notch.

and tom, i like the "godzilla" design, because it kind of looks like something obscure youd see in a fashion shop.

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Some of these designs look great - awesome effort people.

I have a suggestion - since SAU is all about people.......and cars, how about we get a design that will incorporate our user names on the t-shirt, or hoodie, in order of appearance, importance, membership of the SAU, number of posts etc etc - would be good to see, at least I think it would be good to see.

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