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Cruise To Sutton Rd-From Sydney.

luke gtr

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By 3pm I should be close to wherever it is you are starting Aggro. Woot. I'm more than a little excited already for this whole Sutton Rd 'leave pass for 1 night' combo

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yeah i get your logic dave and would definitely be in the same boat (33 now arrrgh) except for the womans problems..typical eh?

she is prevaricating about coming anyway so depending on what goes down before next friday i might see you on the way there after all..

You could always get a hall pass Patty :) I did, unfortunately my mrs isn't really into cars that much. She hasn't even been in my 33 for about 3 or 4 years

I will be leaving West Ryde area circa 2:30pm on Friday 18 May, hoping for a cruisey drive and 5:30-6pm arrival at Eagle Farm Hawk Caravan Park thingo with beer in hand shortly thereafter. Might see you on the Hume Dave074?!

Yeah Bunsen sounds good, I think I'll meet up with Aggro Dave at 3 and head down then so should be at the caravan park at around what, 630-700 I reckon?????

Im at dural so will be leaving pretty much dead on 2 for a 3pm meet up with Dave.

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^ same as mine!

also not been in the 33 much in that time, so theres at least 3 of u heading down early. If i get this so called hall pass i will be joining you but otherwise be passing the other guys at some point later on.

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I think prepare for disappointment then haha, the only thing it has going for it is the alcohol. I guess enough of that and almost anyone looks good, so there's hope; Alcohol IS the answer!

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