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No Wonder Women Don't Get Into Gym...


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Hahaha I have a place just out of the city with a free gym for the whole apartment complex. While it's summer and I'm on holidays from Uni I'm down here taking care of my horses and driving my tractor about :P

Actually quite frustrating that their aren't better deals for say, twice a week visits at city gyms. Wouldn't be any money in that of course!

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Same friend got 'you look manly'

Her reply 'Thankyou'

He stated it wasn't a compliment

Her reply 'it is if I take it as one'

He proceeded to do curls and stare at himself in the mirrors after each one.

Muscle tone is way better than skinny fat.

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Same friend got 'you look manly'

Her reply 'Thankyou'

He stated it wasn't a compliment

Her reply 'it is if I take it as one'

He proceeded to do curls and stare at himself in the mirrors after each one.

Muscle tone is way better than skinny fat.

Why the f**k didn't she drop a plate on his foot? What a f**k head.

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the last time i rode a horse, i felt like i did a day at the gym

i'm sticking to my bicycles.

lol, it takes a few times for your muscles to harden up but after that it's pretty hard to get sore.

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Not a lot of things hotter than a chick that lifts decent amounts of weight, especially if she wears a lot of spandex while doing it.

In all seriousness though, I actually dont mind the look of women that are slightly muscled. They aren't ever gonna get massive without steroids anyway, so I don't get why more don't get into the weights room.

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Not a lot of things hotter than a chick that lifts decent amounts of weight, especially if she wears a not lot of spandex while doing it.


and also (apologies to JEPPE for all things in this post - just the honest truth) it's probably that reason combined with the guys ogling at them. though hey I'm not single and wouldn't mind the occasional friendly hi/bye with the girls, but they don't know that i'm not single...also ignoring the fact that usually I want to get my workout done ASAP.

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So do you mean, girls don't like being oggled at? Or you don't like girls being there because they are distracting?

I can understand both if that makes sense. No excuse for the girls not to go though there are plenty of women only gyms purely for that reason. Although they are mainly cardio focused.

I think girls just need to HTFU, then again I have only a handful of girlfriends, I ride motorcycles, box, I hate shopping and fashion, and think feelings are for pansies. So I might not actually be the best judge on this haha.

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Can you read a map?

Reverse park?

Do you understand why sleep after blowing can't be stopped?

Oh god I think I just peed a little hahahahahahahaha

I hear you on the reverse park though, no shit watched a woman in an X3 do over 30 points to get into a parallel park while blocking traffic and trams and still ending up a foot from the curb. I swear I'm not exaggerating either, 10 minutes I sat there with a mate watching. Wrongtown.

Edited by JEPPE
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Well it is true to a certain degree, obviously people have different metabolisms and their bodies are going to grow into a certain build naturally, it's just they use it as a blanket excuse that they'll always be fat and there's NOTHING they can do about it - claiming they put effort in and aren't getting results at all.

I know a few guys like this, just claim there fat and that's how they were ment to look... No your not, you don't see anyone else breaking a sweat walking to get lunch!?

Have also seen the type (and get a good giggle out of it every time) of the people who do the half arsed workout like mentioned before an then think they've earnt a large double quarter pounder meal... What's the point of going to the gym and the eating that?


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I've never understood why people need motivation to go to the gym. If you really like something you shouldn't need motivation to do it. Rustles my jimmies.

....desire is motivation.



The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.

The general desire or willingness of someone to do something.

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@JEPPE - sorry wasn't clear. I meant that the two main reasons I think that girls don't hit the weights is: because they think they will get massive muscles, and because weights is where most guys are, and guys will most likely ogle girls in spandex, and (not all) girls like being ogled at.

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