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What is your opinion on younger drivers in imports (mostly skylines)

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most of them really should do some kind of advanced driving course instead of spending money on some additional mods or whatever.

with pleasure...

edit: although, i've been told... and it seems logical, that after taking driving courses people (well, males most of the time :) ) get a false sense of confidence, then go out on the road and get told by a tree that they're not god. *

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every day when driving around I am faced with experienced drivers going slow in overtaking lanes, doing 60 in 70 zones, 50 in 60 zones and people who just dont know how to use a round-a-bout just to name a few things.

I have come to the conclusion that the road is a crazy place and that everyone does dodgy stuff at some point in their driving lifetime no matter how experienced they are. If you stay aware of your surroundings at all times you will avoid 99% of acidents.

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cheers Munky (mate ur car is MINT, no two questions about that!), and Platium (MR2 turbos are great cars, i love 'em! look really nice, i'd be happy with one)

maybe we should start a P Plater cruise :) and behave like we are all driving miss daisy, and do it every couple of weekends, spread the word of non-hoonishness, and that Skyline drivers appreciate the cars they've got, and are responsible drivers.

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Daniel, no point really, i have been on 1 cruise and i tell u most people dont drive with-in the law :) :)

Terreto, i dont understand ur reply :confused: how am i a bad driver? i have yet to damage my car driving, have not braken the law etc etc. I am not a expericnes driver but i am sure as hell not a bad driver. Comments like that dont help younger drivers; most let say means 80% of younger drivers. How can u jugde so many younger drivers on the actions on a few.

I think many people lack respect, i drive my skyline to school and everyday i get shit from every ****; Some people seem to think i am showing off cuz i take my time parking or if i move my car that i wanna act all cool. Why can't people leave me allowe? i have never done anything to them but as soon i drive a NICE car i become a target for every tom, dick and harry

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I'm 24, close enough :)

every day when driving around I am faced with experienced drivers going slow in overtaking lanes, doing 60 in 70 zones, 50 in 60 zones and people who just dont know how to use a round-a-bout just to name a few things.
Same here, though I think when most people here talk about 'more experienced drivers', they mean those with a few years under their belt, not those who have driven for 40+ years without a retest and have a god-given right to drive, I'm the best driver in the world, and screw anyone who doesn't like it attitude.
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Oh, and on the driver training thing - in most sensible people, any over-confidence will hopefully be outweighed by the increased ability to accurately assess a situation and/or get out of one if worst comes to worst. That said, if someone is a tool going into driver training, chances are that they'll be a tool when they come out of it too. These people need to ride a slow road bike around for a while... I found that riding a bike actually helped my car driving too, you're forced to be more aware of what's around you, and more carefully think about the consequences of what you do.

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Daniel, no point really, i have been on 1 cruise and i tell u most people dont drive with-in the law :) :)

Terreto, i dont understand ur reply :confused: how am i a bad driver? i have yet to damage my car driving, have not braken the law etc etc. I am not a expericnes driver but i am sure as hell not a bad driver. Comments like that dont help younger drivers; most let say means  80% of younger drivers. How can u jugde so many younger drivers on the actions on a few.

I think many people lack respect, i drive my skyline to school and everyday i get shit from every ****; Some people seem to think i am showing off cuz i take my time parking or if i move my car that i wanna act all cool. Why can't people leave me allowe? i have never done anything to them but as soon i drive a NICE car i become a target for every tom, dick and harry

They dont have a nice car, you do, simple. **** them, you have a skyline, I wouldn't even take note of these people.

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Mat, im not having a cry about it, i dont take note of those type of people. The point i am tring to make is why should younger driver RESPECT, other people etc if they do not received any themself, i guess i cant change the world, but i can try :)

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Guest Munky

The only kid I've ever frowned at because of the car they drove was a guy in the year below me at school who got a Monaro from his parents. About half a year later I went to a party and saw where it got him - he was totally ignored until the end of the party where suddenly everyone was his best friend! (they needed lifts).

Then he wrote it off and last I heard he was getting a mercedes (something a bit safer :|).

What a turd.

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I had to save hard for my car, took a personal loan and just finished it, 3 years instead of 5. I still work 2 jobs and have for 2 years now. if someone ever said I don't deserve it, I think I would knock them flat where they stood.

Its good that you have worked hard for you beast. I recommend when your get it, head down to a track day, even if its standard. you can get a good feel for the car and will help you learn to control it. I did 3 trips to wakefield park in my car and it was a learning experience every time. testing how different mods helped or handcapped the car. I will be down there in nov/dec when the R is on the road and doing a session for sure.



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The old saying...

The minority spoil it for the majority.


I 'ditched' my VS 5ltr 5 speed commodore for my R32.

Best thing I could have ever done. Sure I get the odd 'psshhh' from idiots walking down the road or in their bogandoors but who cares.

I am about to start to use my car down the track, that is what I bought it for.

Just taken me a while to get there thats all. ;)

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Their Fu*kn idiots. Theirs this wanker in an r33 near my place....every corner he gasses it, every take off u see him doing a spinning take off...He even laid down some oil near my mates place and smoked it.

Idiots in P plates shouldn't be allowed to own a turbo car. Bring in the 2 strikes your out system. Get caught doing shit in your car twice, get it impounded, then ban em from owning anything with more than x amount of HP.....leaves the sensible owners have their ride without hassles....

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It's unfortunate, but like Joel said, a minority ruins it for the majority... although I would say that it's more 50-50 than a minority/majority.

Let's face facts: There *are* a lot of young drivers who act and drive like they're indestructable, leave rubber at every set of lights, give lip to cops when they're pulled over, so on and so forth.

On the flip side, there are a lot of young drivers who are sensible, do occasionally give it a squirt at the lights, but generally behave themselves.

I'm 29, although I'm friends with a large age group of car nuts... ranging from about 18 to the father's of the 18 year olds... and while the hoon-behaviour *does* go down the older you get, it doesn't always go away. There'll always be that one idiot who helps the hoon stereotype along.

A lot of my younger driver friends are safe... they go drag (legally, at the strip, and on the street, albeit rarely), they give it a squirt on a cruise and have a bit of fun, but they don't endanger people... although I know a 25 year old who's supposed to be a responsible adult, and he drives like a tard. Every corner is drift terrority for him etc...

The point of my tired rambling that young people will always be targetted and labeled as bad drivers, regardless of whether they actually are or not. The idiots who cut loose will always ruin it for the others. In addition, most people have that old attitude that experience is the real teacher, and young people don't have it. You also get the older guys who are just purely jealous...

My advice to get over these prejudices... show that you're a good driver, because complaining about it will never prove anything to those who put down young drivers.

Show that you're responsible when it comes to being a licence holder and a performance car owner. Drive responsibly, remember that there's a brake as well as a throttle and at the very least, people may reconsider how they think about young drivers.

To the guy who went back and abused the old guy who yelled out "Slow down punk!" or something like that, you're hurting yourself. Going back and abusing him doesn't prove anything except that you're a ****y, stroppy young person and you're not helping your cause for respect at all. If you had gone back, explained that you were doing 10kph under the limit, it would have been much more helpful. He would have had a bit more respect that you took the time to explain your side, without getting your back up about it.

This goes with dealing with cops as well. There's absolutely not point about being pissed off or sullen with the cop that's pulled you over. Sulking is not going to get you out of that ticket. You know you were speeding, take it like a man.

However, if you weren't speeding, explain that you do not believe you were breaking the law. If he insists that he's got you, take the ticket, take down notes of the situation and then deal with it in court. Whatever you do, don't get pissed off in front of the cop, that'll just make it worse.

Personally, I deal with young drivers on a case-by-case basis. I'll have much more respect for the 18 year old who's responsible, but still enjoys a bit of a fang, compared to the 22 year old who is burning rubber at every chance.

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