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Extra Capacity Sump Needed With Any Hi-Flow Oil Pump ?


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Hello !

I'm trying to find a definitive answer on this ; do you absolutely needs a sump extension when fitting a hi-flow aftermarket oil pump ? I was told because of the extra pumping power these pumps have, you should have a bigger sump as well because theres a risk of sucking dry the sump. your though ?


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For the cost of a sump extension eg trust it's worth it. To change the oil pump it's an engine out job with the removal of the sump. For me it's a no brainer.

I know I didn't really answer your question. But do it right the first time and don't worry about it again :)

I'm assuming your talking about an rb26.


Edited by wld093
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Yeah, sorry for not answering your question.

What you have been told is correct especially if you intend to track at some stage.

Yes if your oil pump is pumping at a higher rate than OEM there is a good risk it will empty your sump.

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Do it anyway.

My engine will already be out, this is not a problem.

the problem is that I drive my car in the street and here in canada, we have tons of pothole, so the fact that I already ',scrub my pan at the moment, with an even lower sump/pan..i'm really scared to crack my pan/sump.

I barely track the car and have a tomei baffle plate installed in the pan. So I think my best choice is N1 with reimax gear.

Edited by cobrAA
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Get a decent sump made. Forget that trust 44 gallon drum junk.

I have a 9.5 litre sump and it's not the lowest point up the front of the car. Maybe contact rips in NZ and get him to make you one.

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Get a decent sump made. Forget that trust 44 gallon drum junk.

I have a 9.5 litre sump and it's not the lowest point up the front of the car. Maybe contact rips in NZ and get him to make you one.

thank you sir. I will see what these guys can do or any other custom sump in fact. Pretty much, the last piece of my puzzle before we start building :)

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The danger of emptying your sump is real. You should probably fit restrictors in the oil supply as a minimum but an enlarged capacity sump is a really good idea.

Someone in the US has recently imported a couple from Racefab so maybe worth a look if you have time for shipping:


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Get a decent sump made. Forget that trust 44 gallon drum junk.

I have a 9.5 litre sump and it's not the lowest point up the front of the car. Maybe contact rips in NZ and get him to make you one.

How low does the Trust one sit?

Although it might be at risk, a deeper sump is a better design than something that just has more volume by being wider on each side.

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Although I have recommended a bigger sump it is NOT in fact essential. I have just reread your post where you say you hardly track the car. I do take my RB30 with an N1 pump to the track and I have a stock RB26 sump with Tomei baffle kit. I also have 2 x 1.00mm restrictors and a good sump ventilation system. It has been fine for three or more years now.

But if you do want an enlarged sump there is no reason why deeper is better - with a good system of gates it is only capacity that matters. Have a look at some of the sumps on Rips engines:


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Although I have recommended a bigger sump it is NOT in fact essential. I have just reread your post where you say you hardly track the car. I do take my RB30 with an N1 pump to the track and I have a stock RB26 sump with Tomei baffle kit. I also have 2 x 1.00mm restrictors and a good sump ventilation system. It has been fine for three or more years now.

But if you do want an enlarged sump there is no reason why deeper is better - with a good system of gates it is only capacity that matters. Have a look at some of the sumps on Rips engines:


A deeper narrower sump is improved as the oil is always closer to the pickup like the Trust design. If it is gated and much larger, wider, etc then of course that is better again.

More oil capacity is always better, more cooling effect and less risk of starvation with higher flowing oil pumps.

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My engine will already be out, this is not a problem.

the problem is that I drive my car in the street and here in canada, we have tons of pothole, so the fact that I already ',scrub my pan at the moment, with an even lower sump/pan..i'm really scared to crack my pan/sump.

I barely track the car and have a tomei baffle plate installed in the pan. So I think my best choice is N1 with reimax gear.

Have a look at the RIPS sumps, they don't sit any/much less lower than the stock sump really. And yeah as mentioned, avoid the Trust ones, they hang low.

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